The Egg Drop Challenge
In this project groups had to drop an egg in a device they created from different heights and have the egg not crack. The group’s device and egg survived the ceiling drop, though it didn’t survive the foyer drop. To try and have the egg not crack the group had to use Newton’s 1st, 2nd, and 3rd laws along with information on momentum and impulse momentum. These laws explain why the group designed the device the way they did and why the egg cracked when dropped from the foyer.
Newton’s 1st law, also known as the law of inertia, states that an object at rest will stay at rest and an object in motion will stay in motion unless acted upon by an outside or unbalanced force. Inertia is acting within the egg drop through the
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The 2nd law relates to the egg drop from how to lower the force they had to make sure they lowered the mass and the acceleration. To lessen the acceleration they attached a parachute so the egg would drop slower. And the acceleration of the device actually was quite low, it was 1.64 m/s/s from the ceiling and 1.38 m/s/s from the foyer. But one thing they overlooked was the mass of the device. From the ceiling drop the device had a mass of only .0003 kg. But after that they decided to put more scraps of paper in the cup to try and take the force of impact and added more tape to keep the whole thing secure but all those extra materials put the mass up to .083 kg. So overall they actually didn’t lower the force because they only focused on lowering acceleration and not mass which caused the egg to crack when it hit the floor from the foyer …show more content…
This relates to the egg drop from how they knew that the reaction of the floor hitting the egg, would be equal to the action force of the egg hitting the floor. So they wanted the reaction force to not go directly to the egg, which is why they added the popsicle sticks, so that the reaction force wouldn’t be on the egg it would be on the popsicle sticks. It’s also why they decided to add scraps of paper around the egg thinking that those would also take some of the blow from the reaction force. Though that extra weight was their downfall because it just made the action force more which made the reaction force more because of Newton’s 3rd law which states the action and reaction forces are
In the lab of “The Falling Eggs and Automotive Lab”, we had to design a protective device able to hold the egg and allowing it survive from the impact of hitting the ground from the top of the staircase. We did this lab to investigate newton’s Laws and prove how they work. In the lab, we have to observe the forces that act on the egg and evaluate the way they work. We do this lab with an egg to relate to a real life collision with a car. The egg is essentially the person and the device that the egg is in is the Airbag. We use our knowledge about airbags and apply that to this lab in order to make the egg survive and not crack.
With the styrofome cup fill it with enough water to put inside the solo cup weighing down the egg
By the end of the experiment, it was predicted that the egg would be swollen when left in water and shriveled when left in corn syrup. Based on the data given from the table above, the prediction is, more or less, right. The egg did, in fact, shrivel up and the weight of the egg did go down as well. Compared to the beginning of the experiment where the egg had an initial mass of 81.50 grams, but by the end of the water aspect of the research the egg ended up weighing 93.74 grams, therefore, there was an increase of 12.24 grams. Using the data table the weight from the start the syrup aspect of the experiment was 93.74 grams, after being left in syrup the egg weighed a total of 57.32 grams, thus, the egg decreased in weight by 36.42 grams.
Once an object is in the air its flight path is governed prior to its release. There
For this project, I made a capsule for an egg that is to be dropped from about twenty feet. This capsule that I made was not what I was thinking at first but when I started to build it, I saw that this capsule would hold better than the one that I was thinking which was a triangular capsule with the egg in the middle but I saw later one that the egg would break if it hit one of the flat sides. The capsule is a cube that is made out of the tongue depressors and I used most of the yarn for the big cage and I used the Elmer’s glue to glue the tongue depressors together. I used pieces of the paper clips to hold the popsicle sticks together with the tongue depressors and some
We had to do an egg drop so when it is dropped from 20 ft it wouldn’t crack.. But I really didn’t have any background knowledge on egg drops because I never did one. But I did know that by putting a plate on the bottom it would make it float down and not fall. So when it was dropped from 20ft it wouldn’t crack.
Have you ever heard of drop the egg challenge? Well, I’m here to tell you about my drop the egg challenge. You have to drop the egg from a distance in the air, but the egg cannot crack. Yes, it is possible. Here’s the supplies my partner and I used. We had a bowl, rocks, cardboard, four paper towel rolls, gorilla tape, hot glue gun, and of course an EGG! First we placed the rocks in the bowl, then glued a square foot piece of cardboard on top of the bowl, next we glued/taped the paper towel rolls (on top of the cardboard glued to the bowl), after we cut a small circle in a small square piece of cardboard (so the egg can fit in it), therefor we glued the egg in the circle and we cut a half of a bottle and put it
This is the final step of the experiment. The shell-less egg was now placed into a new cup, but very carefully, as the egg was more fragile than when it was soaked in vinegar. The egg in the new cup was then covered with water. The egg sat in the water for a 24 hour time period once again. During this 24 hour time period the eggs appearance and size were once again recorded. After the time period had completed, the egg was removed from the water and was very carefully patted dry. Since the egg was now swollen, extra care was needed when holding the egg. The swollen egg was placed on the scale on last time and its mass was recorded as M3.
The first product was a phone case. While when shopping, people tend to pick cases partly on how they look, though we also check how protective they are. This is because we want to make sure that our phones will be safe incase of an impact. The main protection put in place, is the system in a secure phone case, that allows it to absorb the energy from the crash. There are energy absorbing systems in the sides of the phone case, which will keep the actual phone from harm. The second product that faces similar would be a car. The main protection system in a car would be the crush zone. This is a system in the front of the car, which upon collision will scrunch up, and absorb energy similar to the phone case. With these two products in mind, we are able to create a better vehicle that will increase the chances of the egg
My egg drop container is based off of a rough interpretation of the Apollo 17. My container demonstrates all the required topics of motion, energy and force. My egg drop container involves thermal, sound and mechanical energy. The container has mechanical energy, because it has both kinetic and potential energy. Prior to dropping the egg, the experiment has potential energy and as it’s drops, it has kinetic energy.
Once I have examined the eggs, I will then take them out of the containers and place them on a paper towel. Once I have dried the eggs off, I will start to test each one to determine how high each one can bounce and which one will break first. I will do this experiment by dropping each egg no more than 2 inches from a tabletop. I will make a note of how many bounces it took before each egg broke. I will record this on my data sheet. Once I have completed this experiment, then I will be able to answer the question I have.
An egg has a semi-permeable membrane, thus processes like osmosis could occur. Osmosis is the movement of water molecules from an area of higher water concentration to an area of a lower water concentration. Osmosis is important, especially for living organisms, as they help distribute nutrients in the body. An egg’s mass would change when it is soaked in different substances. The goal of this experiment was to investigate how an egg changes through osmosis. This experiment was done to show how substances affect the mass of an egg. To start off, an egg’s mass was measured by putting the egg in a beaker then placing it on a mass scale. The beaker was then filled with vinegar and left alone for twenty-four hours. After a day, the egg was taken
Newton’s First Law states that an object at rest stays at rest and an object in motion stays in motion with the same speed and in the same direction unless acted upon by an unbalanced force. The data collected from this lab supports this statement. When the brick was hung motionlessly, its average weight was 15.1 ± 0.2 N. When the brick’s weight was measured while it was being lowered with a constant velocity, it stayed identical to the original weight at 15.1 ± 0.2 N. When the brick was raised with a constant velocity, its weight was 15.2 ± 0.2 N, remaining similar to the bricks’ weight but increased only by 0.1 N. An object that is being lowered and raised at a constant velocity—both with a constant speed and direction—can have balanced forces
If you pull a tablecloth very fast from underneath a table setting, given minimal friction, the dishes will not move from their original position. Describe this trick in terms of Newton's first law.
The forces that are involve with the experiments are basically focused on the concurrent forces. The experiment also allows us to develop the condition of balancing or arranging the angles both sides on a force table. This laboratory experiment allows us to take the mathematical abstraction of a vector to make it tangible as possible. This experiment will look into two ways of