You are twenty five feet- or approximately seven meters- in the air, plummeting to a concrete ground. Your only protection is the vehicle in which you are sitting in. You will not survive based on luck, but rather science. The Egg Drop Challenge is an Engineering Design Challenge, which will be using the concepts of Force, Momentum, Gravity, and Energy. In partners of two we must create a vehicle that can minimize the force of impact from a high drop while protecting the egg inside. Nevertheless, these goals do not come without constraints. Not only must we complete this project in exactly nine days, but we must also stick to the rules given. Such rules include; only using the materials allotted, and the vehicle built cannot exceed the width or height of 60 centimeters. With these constraints given, the participants in the challenge must make sure that their goals can still be met. Like stated in the introduction, this challenge will not be completed by using plain …show more content…
The first product was a phone case. While when shopping, people tend to pick cases partly on how they look, though we also check how protective they are. This is because we want to make sure that our phones will be safe incase of an impact. The main protection put in place, is the system in a secure phone case, that allows it to absorb the energy from the crash. There are energy absorbing systems in the sides of the phone case, which will keep the actual phone from harm. The second product that faces similar would be a car. The main protection system in a car would be the crush zone. This is a system in the front of the car, which upon collision will scrunch up, and absorb energy similar to the phone case. With these two products in mind, we are able to create a better vehicle that will increase the chances of the egg
The objective of this project was to create a structure that will protect a raw egg and prevent it from breaking when being dropped from a minimum height of two meters. A decent hypothesis or prediction one could develop before any experimental trials would be as follows. The structure that provides the longest duration of impact between the falling egg the ground will provide the desired results of an undamaged egg. The duration of time in which the ground applies a force to the egg carrying structure is referred to as impulse. The longer the span of impact time, the more mild the force acting upon
“If Ricky had not forgiven the men who had enslaved him, Ricky would still be their slave.” (Hutton 322) This quote is from a novel called Soldier Boy which is based on a real story about a boy named Ricky Richard Anywar who was taken as a child soldier for the Lord’s Resistance Army in Uganda 1989. Ricky’s actions in the novel Soldier Boy are influenced by his courage, determination, and restraint. First, Ricky’s courage helped him along his journey by giving him the strength to whatever he set his mind to, even if it could cause him his life..
3.Place each egg in 2 of the plastic cups. Fill each cup with distilled water and Monster Energy Drink that is enough to submerge the egg
The purpose behind the egg drop project is for students to understand the concept of momentum, collision, impulse and force. To do this, they will create a protective carrier that will surround the egg. The egg will then be dropped from a certain height. The device that is created should weigh enough to increase the time of impact, therefore decreasing the force of impact on the egg so it doesn’t crack.
Our egg drop was designed with many strategies in mind. One of them was to build our design with as many triangles as possible due to the triangle being the strongest geometric shape due to their ability to distribute force evenly to all three sides. This would spread the force off the impact on the floor throughout the structure making it when it fell no one point would get the full blow of the impact. Another tactic used when building our structure was trying to make it symmetrical. So that if it rolled while falling there would be no weak points for the structure to fall onto. Another tactic used when building the design was building out around the egg so that when dropped the structure would bounce and the force
The egg drop project is designed to use what we have learned in science and apply it to a more hands on project. The goal is to keep a raw egg from cracking or breaking after a 3 meter drop. There are quite a few constraints that go along with this project such as materials, time management, and deadlines. The only materials allowed to be used on this project are; 10 straws, 2 sheets of paper, 30 cm of tape, 5 Kleenexes, 1 sandwich sized plastic bag, 25 cotton balls, and 50 cm of string. The plastic bag must be used to contain the egg in case of breakage and the final product must fit into a 15 cm cube. All of the building work must be done in class.
In football the force of impact can be dangerous. Helmets are constructed to protect the brains of the players. Without this protection the player will receive major damage from the impact of the force. In this lab, students will construct a device that will protect an egg from the impact force from the drop. The egg acts as a substitute for the brain and the device is the “helmet” for the egg. The independent variable of this experiment is the trials; the dependent variables of this experiment are time and velocity. By using the laws of physics, students will construct an efficient device that will protect the egg from the harsh impact of force.
it so the egg wouldn’t move in the cup. I think this helped the design, but the egg still broke.
An egg has a semi-permeable membrane, thus processes like osmosis could occur. Osmosis is the movement of water molecules from an area of higher water concentration to an area of a lower water concentration. Osmosis is important, especially for living organisms, as they help distribute nutrients in the body. An egg’s mass would change when it is soaked in different substances. The goal of this experiment was to investigate how an egg changes through osmosis. This experiment was done to show how substances affect the mass of an egg. To start off, an egg’s mass was measured by putting the egg in a beaker then placing it on a mass scale. The beaker was then filled with vinegar and left alone for twenty-four hours. After a day, the egg was taken
These eggs were later placed back into its individual beaker, and repeated the process of timing it. The weight of each egg was recorded
Today October 18, 2017, my partner and I did an egg drop experiment. We out the egg in a clear plastic jar with yarn surrounding it and balloons on the top of the jar. My partner dropped it. When I picked the jar up it didn’t looked cracked but when I opened it the egg was cracked but the yolk didn’t come out nor did anything else come out.
To do the classic egg drop you must have the following items to do this.
The difference is that the formers can lay eggs on land rather than in water. The egg is more complex because there is no water around, and the embryo development is in the amniotic sac and the amniotic fluid. These animals are the amniotes. They all evolved from some Devonian amphibians that tried to return to water to lay eggs. Since Cretaceous era, placental mammals do not lay eggs anymore because the eggs develop in the female's womb instead, and it still has the amniotic fluid and the amniotic sac. The egg develops within female womb Instead, it does not have a shell or yolk, but it contains amniotic sac and the amniotic fluid.
Build the Wall! Build the Wall! We want the wall! Currently, these are the things that we are hearing in the United States. Building a wall to not allow immigrants to cross into our border. Except, we are not the only country, that deals with immigration. What exactly is immigration? Immigration is the international movement of people into a destination of where they are not native’s country of which they are not natives or where they do not possess citizenship in order to settle there. Immigration has its pros and its cons. Immigration policies can be related to four other aspects of policy: political, economic, social, and demographic. Economic issues are medium term decisions, while, social issues are long-term concerns. Let’s talk about
Whoosh! The egg flew out of the barrel and high into the sky. All of the boys, including me, ran onto the grass to try and catch the egg.