
Egypt And Greece Similarities

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Religion is described as “the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods.” In ancient Egypt the civilization lasted from 3100 to 1075 B.C.E, while the ancient Greek civilization began as early as the 6th century. Both civilizations were powerful enough in their region to bring their ideas and land features such as, the pyramids and Greek building structures to the world. Reflecting specifically on the subject of religion, there’s evidence that Egypt and Greece had differences and similarities in three fundamental ways.
In both Egypt and Greece they had the concept of polytheism in their beliefs systems. Egyptians had ...In Egypt, the Pharaoh was perceived as the Sun god and as a king for the nation. However, Pharaoh also lived and died on earth, he was in physical form of a human being. People were able to see him and touch him even though he was a god. Likewise, the Greek gods were not easily approachable for humans like Pharaoh. The Greeks took pride in their twelve Olympian gods who lived on Mount Olympus, but the gods were stories that supposedly existed in the past. The difference from the Egyptian gods and the Greek gods was that the Olympian gods …show more content…

They believed that preserving the king’s body would allow him to live in the afterlife and hopefully to live forever with the other gods. Mufication took as long as seventy days. The pyramids were built as tombs for the pharaohs and for their next generation of people to leave offerings for the afterlife. Although the Greeks didn’t use the process of mummification to preserve their bodies, their idea of the afterlife was a little different. The gods were immortal, so they didn’t have a physical death like Pharaoh. Furthermore, the Greeks had Hades an Olympian god that ruled over the underground. It was seen as

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