
Egypt And Mesopotamia Similarities

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Egypt and Mesopotamia have many similar or different places in their geography, economy, cultural and political society. These two civilization brought a lot of brilliant innovations to the later generations.
Egypt and Mesopotamia were developed in the two various geographical places. Mesopotamia was located in the middle east. It was set alone the banks of Tigris and Euphrates rivers. According to development of the irrigation, people required group effort. So Sumerians established the first cities in the southernmost part of Mesopotamia by 3000 B.C.E. The rivers provided fish and reeds as food and building materials to Sumerians. They also built cities alone the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers and their branches. And Egypt was located in North-east …show more content…

On the one hand, Mesopotamian realized that drawing pictures was the simpler to record or spread information. Then the cuneiform was used in writing to convey abstract ideas as a Sumerian form of writing. The Egyptian also created their own writing form hieroglyphs. They were symbols and the origins of the Alphabet. Secondly, Mesopotamian also built the first school for male students came from wealthy families to study the Sumerian literature and write compositions of their own. So that we could have the view of their life, mathematical, religious texts today. The rich families in Egypt also had the right of getting education and enjoyed better life conditions than poor or common people. Thirdly, Egypt and Mesopotamia had different religion and beliefs. However, they were both practiced polytheism. It means they believed that more than one god ran the rule of the world. Mesopotamians thought that their gods were like humans and lived in human beings body. Egyptians gods were considered as represents of mental, physical, nature and life. Especially, they thought that “pharaoh as the leader if religious and political life in the old-kingdom. He commanded the wealth, resources and people of Egypt.(19) Pharaoh was thus a guarantee to his people, a pledge that the gods of Egypt (strikingly unlike those of Mesopotamia) cared for their

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