
Egypt Burial Process

Decent Essays

The Ancient Egyptians had a very specific and uncommon way that they buried the dead. The way that the Egyptians buried their dead would be very uncommon in modern day society. There are many steps in this burial process. Each burial had a system or process of steps that they followed to lay down fellow members of their society. The process of mummification had many steps. The process was very long and specific. The first step for the burial is to announce the death. The announcement was made to tell who had passed away. A messenger was assigned to go out and tell the people about the death. This let people to prepare for the mourning period and for the burial ceremony. The burial system would be long and complicated. The second step to bury the dead was to embalm the body. The body was sent out to be embalmed with good-smelling wine from palms. The body was also rinsed with water from the Nile River. The bodies were embalmed in special buildings or tents. The names of the buildings were called embalming workshops, and they were owned by a group of priests. Sometimes, the priest who was embalming the body would have to step outside because the smell coming from the corpse was very strong. The 3rd step was the removal of the brain. A long tool shaped like a hook was used to take the brain out of the body. The hook went up …show more content…

The body was placed on a slab and covered with natron salt. Natron was harvested directly as a salt mixture from the dry lake beds in Ancient Egypt. It has been used for thousands of years as a cleaning product for homes and bodies. It was blended with oils and it was an early form of soap. It removes oil and grease from bodies and houses. The slab was shifted so that the water would run off into a basin. This removed moisture and stopped it from rotting. The body was then taken outside and let dry for about forty days. After the body was completely dried out, they then started to wrap the

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