
Eight Chemical Reactions

Decent Essays

There are many reaction types that can occur when compounds come together to form different types of products. In chemistry, there are eight different basic types of reactions. The eight basic reactions include: combustion, synthesis, decomposition, precipitation, single-replacement, double-replacement, acid/base, and redox reactions. These reactions are categorized into their reaction type by their differences and similarities. The first type of reaction is combustion. A combustion reaction is when a substance is combined with oxygen and releases heat and light energy. An example of a combustion reaction is the combustion of hydrogen. When a balloon with oxygen and hydrogen is supplied with heat by a candle, it triggers an explosive …show more content…

Another name for this reaction is a composition reaction. In this type of reaction, there are two of more substances that combine to form a new compound. An example of a synthesis reaction is: A & B are both different substances. When combined they form the compound AB (A+B ---> AB). The most know synthesis reaction is the forming water by fusing hydrogen and oxygen gas. 2H2(g)+O2(g)--->2H2O(l). A third reaction of the eight basic reactions in chemistry is a decomposition reaction. A decomposition reaction is the opposite of a synthesis reaction. In this case, a compound goes through a reaction that produces two (or more) simpler substances. These type of reactions usually occur when energy in the form of heat or electricity is added to it. In this example we will use the same substances A & B like the example for a synthesis reaction. In a composition reaction we have a compound AB which goes through a reaction that produces A & B, two simpler substances. …show more content…

Another known name for this type of reaction is a displacement reaction. These type of solutions mostly occur in liquid solution and the amount of energy used in this type of reaction is smaller than that of a synthesis or decomposition reaction. In this type of reaction, in a compound, an element replaces a similar element. For example we have elements A, B, and X. In this "equation" we heave element A + compound BX. Element A will replace element B to form B + AX. (A + BX ---> B + AX) Another reaction is a double-replacement. This reaction usually produces an insoluble gas or water. Double replacement is when in two compounds, ions will exchange places in a liquid solution (aqueous solution) to form a new compound. For example A, B, X, and Y are ions in the first part of the equation, AX + BY. The ions X and Y will replace each other to form a new compound to form AY + BX. ( AX + BY ---> AY + BY) A different type of reaction would be an acid/base reaction. This reaction is a neutralization. An acid is a substances that looses protons which are H+ ions and a base is a substance that receives protons. When equal amounts of protons are lost by an acid and the same amounts of protons are being received by a base, they neutralize each other. That creates a product that is neither acidic nor basic by the two substances (acid and a

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