Eight-Hour Days Work Just Fine Some people think that an eight-hour shift at work is to much. Shorter shifts mean less money for everyone, it also means more problems. The working industry already has enough problems and the standard working time is not one of them. There is not a good explantion as to why we should even condsider making a work day standard into six-hours, its only a two-hour difference from the current standerd, it's not a big enough difference to try and make six-hours the new standard. Imagine everything you do in a normal day at your job, now imagine everything you do with two-hours less time to do all of your work. It would be rather difficult don't you think? Workers would have to work even harder to get the things that needs to be done completed. Many workers would feel more wore out than the usual, and would get paid less for doing everything they could do more efficently in eight-hour time frame. …show more content…
It won't be good for either one, if its the workers who pay for it they will end losing two hour wages each work day, that'd be nearly twenty-five percent of their pay. If it's the employer then they have to find money to hire even more people to fill in the missing gaps. Some people may say working six-hour shifts is better, simply because workers have more energy. But having an eight-hour shift isn't a big differnce and workers do get 10-20 minute breaks to recharge. Working an eight hour shift could be a little tiring but the money you make is much better than that of a six-hour shift. This is why we should keep the standard work day at eight
Times have changed since 1914 and we are still having issuses when it comes to the work environment. Both articles have made strong arguments; on what would be the best solution and how it would benfit not only the workers but the employers as well. However I agree that six hour days would not work. Either the workers lose two hour wages everyday or the employers hire more wokers for the jobs that are not being done due to only having six hours. All of the employees that they are forced to hire would not get a quarter of their pay because they are not full time. The people that only work the six hours would not be able to get health plans the full time workers are entitled to. Not having health care is stressful; that is living with the worry
I think that the United States could go to the six hour work day. People in the past have done it and it was a huge success. During the Industrial Revolution people had to work 11-12 hours each day with little pay. Later on in the 1900s, Henry Ford changed the work hours for his employees and they showed great amounts of success. Ford doubled their pay and they did the work 2 times faster and more efficiently.
The scheduling of hours of work is undoubtedly one of the major social problems of industrial society. Statistic estimates that 30% of Canada's workforce are involved in some kind of shiftwork. Of those, 33% work irregular shifts, just under 30% work rotating shifts, 17% work long term evening shifts, 10% work on call, 3% work split shifts, 3% work long term night shifts and just over 3% are classed as "other". Present estimates tell us that before the trend slows, fully 35% of the workforce will work some type of shiftwork (Siroonian 123). Companies are feeling the need to maximize their efficiency by spreading their operating costs over 24 hours. However, on the other hand, working other than the standard
When at work there are always those certain coworkers that you personally can’t stand; working less hours than you do now will still allow you to still make the money you need to pay bills and save in general. You will no longer have to deal with those annoying coworkers.
In the event a six-hour work day was proposed, and should take effect. One would have to take in the consideration of the wages loss in that 2 hour period, as stated in the second paragraph of the section entitled Six-Hour Days Will Never Work. I personally feel this would pose a great problem for the average working class in today's society. The working person already feels compelled to take in
According to the passage, I believe it is important to work six hours a day with the appropiate break time. It will reduce stress and fatigue as well. It is also, healthier for our
As the first paragraph states, in 1914 factory workers worked about twelve hours a day until it was cut four hours down to eight hour workdays in 1914 by Henry Ford in his factorys. The workers productivity skyrocketed and ever since then eight hour work days have been the norm and it has worked well. Even most schools have classes that are almost eight hours a day and kids productivity seems to be doing fine. Changing the normal eight hours that has been the norm for over a hundred years could ruin companies by causing substantial profit loss when they have to hire new employees to cover the empty shifts that six-hour days would leave.
The positive effect of 12 hour shifts on nurses include a shorter workweek, enhanced work-life balance, flexibility, and better continuity of care for patients. Nurses typically work 10 days a pay period during eight hour shifts. However, working 12 hour shifts allows nurses to work six days a pay period. Resulting in a reduction of four days work. Next, it gives nurses the sense of balance between work and their life. A research conducted in Australia after the introduction of 12 hour shifts states, “92 percent of nurses noticed 12 hour shifts gave them greater flexibility and 83 percent noticed it gave them more time to spend with their loved ones” (Aveyard et al., 2016/ 2017). Working less days means freedom away from job related activity,
Dropping hours means that workers are ineligible for health plans that full time workers get. The shorter work day required a level of intensity that workers couldn't maintain. Not many budgets could sustain that kind of hit. Employers would have to come up with money to hire additional staff needed to cover the now-empty shifts, if workers continue to recieve the same pay. Some companies
1. I think 8 hour days are very good for this country, because if you cut the hours to 6 hours then that takes off alot of pay. Also if you work 6 hour day you dont get as many breaks making you work harder, and focus less. When people focus less, for example factory workers, if they lose there focus it is dangerous for not only him/her but everyone around them.
A six-hour day will never work in this day of time. Cost of living for most state's is at a out time high.Family will not be about to take care of living expense.You,will need another money to commute back and forward to work.Those are the reason I feel that a six-hour workday want work.
If we moved to a 6 hour work day from an 8 hour work day companys would face many issues. They would have to determine if they are still about to cover the employees for health insurance, would wages stay the same, and would they reqiure more workers to do
To begin with, the six-hour work day is affecting the workers health. If its making workers sick then the employer has too pay to find more workers so thats money
Six-hour workday in the United States is a reasonable amount of hours. An why I think its is reasonable is for people like me. I go to school full time five-six hours a day, plus go to work six-seven hours for my job. At times I feel as if im not human, I feel at my age I should be doing more than just going to school, going home then right back out the door to work for another half of my day. If the hours at my work were to be extended i'd have no life at all.
A six hour work day should not become the standard work day in the United States. Paste generations of people were forced to work 11 to 12 hours per day like the first article says. This proves that as human beings we are well capable of perfoming tasks for much longer periods of time than six hours.