Six-hour workdays are not long enough. If you worked six hours a day for six days you still wouldn't work a regular full-time job that requires forty or more hours a week. You would have to work every single day of the week to ensure the benefits of a full-time job. Instead of a six-hour workday I suggest an eight to twelve hour shift. Eight to twelve hours is nothing to exilerating, especially if you have a traditional desk job. Working an eight to twelve hour shift would grant you at least one break where you can eat and recharge for the second half of your shift. Working an eight to twelve hour shift for at least five days out of the week would ensure you a full-time job and a weekend off from work. This is ideal for parents and
Times have changed since 1914 and we are still having issuses when it comes to the work environment. Both articles have made strong arguments; on what would be the best solution and how it would benfit not only the workers but the employers as well. However I agree that six hour days would not work. Either the workers lose two hour wages everyday or the employers hire more wokers for the jobs that are not being done due to only having six hours. All of the employees that they are forced to hire would not get a quarter of their pay because they are not full time. The people that only work the six hours would not be able to get health plans the full time workers are entitled to. Not having health care is stressful; that is living with the worry
I think that the United States could go to the six hour work day. People in the past have done it and it was a huge success. During the Industrial Revolution people had to work 11-12 hours each day with little pay. Later on in the 1900s, Henry Ford changed the work hours for his employees and they showed great amounts of success. Ford doubled their pay and they did the work 2 times faster and more efficiently.
Before introducing the workplace issues related to the development of four-day workweek, a clear definition of this schedule is needed. According to Department of Labor (n.d.), “A workweek is a fixed and regularly recurring period of 168 hours, or seven consecutive 24-hour periods. The workweek does not have to coincide with the calendar week, but instead it may begin on any day of the week and at any hour of the day.” It might be the “four-day, 32-hour workweek – more leisure, less work” (Wernette 1), or the “three-day, 40 hour, compressed work week” that Vega
In the event a six-hour work day was proposed, and should take effect. One would have to take in the consideration of the wages loss in that 2 hour period, as stated in the second paragraph of the section entitled Six-Hour Days Will Never Work. I personally feel this would pose a great problem for the average working class in today's society. The working person already feels compelled to take in
According to the passage, I believe it is important to work six hours a day with the appropiate break time. It will reduce stress and fatigue as well. It is also, healthier for our
Several studies suggest that work only 4 days a week increases the productivity and levels of satisfaction of workers and those arguments are used in the school debate, even some European countries are testing it.
Laurence Steinberg discusses in his essay “Part-Time Employment Undermines Students’ Commitment to School” that students who have a part-time job do not do as well in school as other students. Working twenty or more hour shifts per week can interfere with a students grades and accomplishments in school. Steinberg states, “That the key issue is not whether a student works but how much time he or she devotes to the job”(472). I work a minimum of twenty-five hours a week making and that makes it difficult to complete my homework or study because I come home very tired and drained from my job.
I prefer six-hour shifts because I personally would be more productive, I think. I would have more rest, less pains, and a lot more energy. I mean, who can focus on work when you have that terrible back pain or you're so tired that your eyes are crashing? I know I can't even though it might be highly possible for you. I just think that a six-hour shift could make me produce more for the factory and business.
I have quite a few friends that I know do not get off of work until 10:00 pm or 12:00 am. If they work until 12:00 am and get home around 12:30 they would probably get to sleep around 1:00 am but have to wake up at 7:00 am which is only 6 hours of sleep. There are a ton of studies that show
As stated in "Six-Hour Days Will Never Work." as an employee only working six hours will result in a decrease of a quarter of your pay. Another supporting factor from the article that persuaded my decision was the experiment Swedan's Kiruna District Council did, allowing two-hundred and fifty employees to work six-hour days for sixteen years. The experiment was unsuccessful, and converted back to eight hour work days due to the expense of having to employee more workers to make up the hours.
I think that working 8 hour shifts is just about perfect. it's enough time to get the work done, but not so long that everyone get tired and sluggish before end of day. For example, Working from 8 to
Some people may say working six-hour shifts is better, simply because workers have more energy. But having an eight-hour shift isn't a big differnce and workers do get 10-20 minute breaks to recharge. Working an eight hour shift could be a little tiring but the money you make is much better than that of a six-hour shift. This is why we should keep the standard work day at eight
I think that the six hour work is a ok idea but i would prefer to work eight hours or more. Sure the six hours will give you more time off and could increase productivity, but it will decrease pay. The original eleven to twelve hours a day during the Industrial revolution was a bit much, it is great that the time was set back and the pay doubled. That was a great way to motivate the workers to do more as well as give them more energy. But dropping the hours to six a day will just start to make the employees lazy and work less on the job.
I believe that the U.S. should stick to the current eight-hour workdays due to the benefits and revenue that comes from it. The money being made from working an eight-hour shift not only benefits the employee but also the employee. The health benefits that most jobs provide just for working those shift are a bonus already. As for those who believe we should switch to a six-hour workday, just think about the benefits that will be lost over such a small change. It's not worth it.
It has been a fact over the years, that the human body only has so much energy that it can be used over the course of a day. Even when that energy is properly managed, it will still eventually go away. That’s why longer working days are so devastating on workaholics. In the United States, working varies from person to person, usually on location, culture, lifestyle, and the profitability of the individual’s livelihood. A lot of Americans work a lot of hours and are more productive. Americans work more productive that Americans on the average are overwhelmed and the long hours are really affecting their health and family life.