
Einstein's Life, Einstein And The Life Of Albert Einstein

Decent Essays

Without Einstein’s work in physics, our society would not be as knowledgeable as it is now. Albert Einstein was a famous physicist born in March 14, 1879. Throughout his life, he created theories that greatly contributed to science and are still used today. The start of his Physics career starts in 1896 when he was admitted to the Polytechnic in Zurich to attain a teaching degree in mathematics and physics. He graduates in 1900, however, he does not find work as a teacher and eventually works in a Swiss Patent Office (Kennedy, 242). During this time, he spends his time pursing his PhD and writing research journals. In 1905, Einstein publishes five papers that were revolutionary and changing physics and the understanding of mechanics and electromagnetism. One of his papers was on the theory of special relativity, and the mass-energy equivalence, an extension of special relativity (Kennedy 325). Ten years later, he creates another theory, which was the General Theory of Relativity. This theory is another extension of special relativity which adds gravity into the theory (Redd). However, after discovering this new theory, there was skepticism towards it. Milena Wazeck describes the disbelief like this, “The opposition to relativity was extraordinarily fierce and lasted years, including not only physicists and philosophers but also scientific laymen” (Wazeck, 163). Nevertheless, in 1919, evidence was shown in a solar eclipse in where the gravity of the sun was shown to bend the

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