I decided to hold a sketch activity for the elderly who are living in nursing home. Most of the elderly love to have a walk in the little park or garden. And some of them seldom go to outdoor because of their health are not very well. So I hope this sketch activity can let elderly have a chance to linger over the view and stretch their body and mind.
Process Frame Work
1.Target group: Elderly (aged ⩾65) from Nursing Home
2.Theme: Impressionism landscape painting
3.Learning Objective: Let elderly have a chance to linger over the view and stretch their body and mind. Also let them have a touch on painting and have a basic knowledge on impressionism, pointillism.
4.The process of painting activity:
Firstly, I will explain
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We will try to paint some image with small dots of pure colour. I think this skill is easy for elderly because they no need to draw the images so detail, and everyone also know how to draw dots without any painting experiences. Also acrylic is easy for them to control, the texture of acrylic is quite thick, people can create rough irregular surface texture of the nature scenery easier. They just need to draw out their roughly impression of the view, but the main point is to tell them to observe the bright and shadow of the image, if they can use the right colour and draw out the bright and shadow, than they can create a beautiful painting.
After that, we will go to the nearest garden and start the landscape painting in impressionism. The elderly will be divided into a few groups and carried by nurses to different areas. I will ask them to choose a small part of the view, no need to draw too complex. Then I will teach them to have a draft first, than they can fill up the outline of the images by dots. I will walk around to see if they have any difficulty while they are drawing and also give them some advices of their painting or give them some help of the drawing if it is
While doing the real age test i scored a 16.8, which was only 1.6 younger than my actual age. Real age reccomended that i have a healthy breakfast every morning, because i dont usually eat breakfast in the morning.The healthy breakfast contains pleanty of fibber,healthful fats and protien. This includes, an egg,oj, bacon, yogurt, cereal,and if your in a rush,nuts in a bag, dried up fruit, cereal, low-fat gornola , or cheese and whole grain crackers.They also told me to avoid sweets because it can send your energy really high and then the energy ends up crashing halfway through the morning. Real age also recommended to vary the veggies i eat and to eat more nuts and less junk food.Lastly they recommended that i start taking vitiman D. Vitiman D is the "Live longer" subnutrient that will make you younger.Vitman D foods include, milk,eggs,fish,supplements.In the analysis i was sucessful in staying in touch with my friends , reaching friut, staying hooked on fish,sleeping, keeping up woth my cardio.The area that i would like to change is being around secondhand smoke.
So, we had a member of my group ‘‘Emily Zenisak’’ who showed a couple of her friends and recorded their reactions to the painting. The first volunteer was Kayla Rrymarz, a freshman at Grand Valley State University. Kayla initial reaction was ‘‘On first glance it looks like pieces from an old house and all the things on the bottom are supporting the house.’’ She followed up with ‘‘I think the meaning is what the 1950s?
This essay aims to represent an argument between two view points: to remain in their own homes with ongoing support from families and the health system or going to residential aged care of elderly in Australia. Especially, it deals with the issue of increasing ageing population in Australia includes statistical information highlighting some causes and telltales. The context presented is economic and social. It also looks at the effects that increasing of the ageing population has on society, the individual and the Australian economy.
I would like to thank you for considering to adorn a painting to the Children’s Memorial Hospital. Your donation is very important.I am aware of the tough decision you have to make between choosing which one of your four paintings you should donate to the Family Lounge at Children’s Memorial Hospital. I am also aware that you would want the painting to be an appropriate donation for the families who will be waiting, while a young member undergoes surgery.. I have analyzed each of the four paintings below to figure out which painting is best suitable for the hospital, and to help aid in making your decision easier.
The second painting, Youth, painted in 1842, oil on canvas, 53 in × 76 in, continues to have a beautiful green landscape, we still see trees, flowers, mountains, and now we see a castle in the back. In this painting the view is widening. The child from the last painting now looks like adolescent. The
General assessment of Mr. McKay raises a few red flags that may indicate potential elder mistreatment. Dried stool and dirty sheets are noted on more than one occasion. This reveals that Mr. McKay is not getting adequate and timely care and the care takers are neglecting to tend to him on a more frequent basis. Pre albumin and albumin are used to interpret individual’s nutritional status. Mr. McKay’s pre-albumin was within a normal range with 16.0 to 35.0 mg per dL being the norm (Beck & Rosenthal, 2002). His albumin level, used to monitor long term nutritional changes was below the norm. However, these levels are dependent on other factors like hydration status as well as kidney function and are not as sensitive to
The elderly population in the community has some areas that they need to overcome to be a successful learner. The limitations of the teaching and learning identified the following barriers.
A few challenges I observed with the elderly while they were shopping was lack of muscle strength and trouble reading fine print on labels. The store personnel treated the elderly in a polite and respectable manner. I noticed a few engaging in short conversation. The stereotype that all elderly people cannot hear came into play. There was an elderly man asking the store personnel for help finding an item. In response the younger adult started shouting. The store was accessible for an elderly person such as wheelchair ramps, parking accessibility, and the aisles were wide enough for wheelchairs or electric scooters. Unfortunately, I did not see any seating available for those who need it. Mrs. Sims states that she treated no differently from
As aging is a stage of development that cannot prevented, the question of “can one’s aging be more successful than another?” is posed my many. Researchers continually consider the differences between aging successfully, and aging unsuccessfully. As researchers work to complete their studies, many find a reoccurring basis of successful aging. A basis of successful aging can be set including: physical health disease free, chronic illness free, mental health disease free, among many others. The only problem with this basis is the difference from person to person in terms of what makes aging successful. As individuals age, their mental state is a large predictor of how the person will age. A positive mental state about aging, will have a more positive effect on a person’s aging process. Many factors may influence the positivity of aging, such as negative aging stereotypes and discrimination because of older age. These negative aging stereotypes include but are not limited to: older adults are not as smart, older adults are angry all the time, older adults are bad drivers, older adults are isolated and never socialize. In adult aging and development, having a positive outlook on aging will lead to better mental and physical aging.
For the photograph that I took, I decided to follow Weston’s theme and photograph an organic object with interesting features. I needed to find something with a vivid texture so that the photograph could allow the viewer to almost feel what I could. I searched throughout my room until finally, I found what I was looking for. It was a shell from the Pacific Ocean that I had brought back with me from Mexico. The shell had off-whites blended into browns and reds. It also had ridges running from the origin of the shell, to the outside. I found the situation to be somewhat ironic considering that Weston had lived in Mexico taking photographs, and also took pictures of shells.
How can nurses ensure that older people are treated with respect and dignity whist being cared for in hospital or in the community?
Discuss how the social, cultural and historical context shaped the meanings communicated in the artwork.
One of the greatest challenges of the twenty first century will be the tremendous increase in the number of older adults throughout the world. Elderly people are the most rapidly increasing age group in Canada. In 2000 there was about 3.8 million Canadians were 65 years older. Statistics of Canada projects that by 2021, it will get doubled (Hick S., 2010, p.270). It is sure that this demographic trend will affect most part of our society, especially the health care needs and the delivery of health services. There will be a huge increase in the issues that affect the older Canadians. It is important that future health care professionals especially the social Service workers should be prepared to meet the needs of the increasing aging population across the globe. This paper examines the main problems faced by senior population in Canada, the different social work theories related to ageism and the different roles, values, knowledge and responsibilities needed for gerontological social work practice.
Humanity has come a long way as we evolve and adapt to the changing environment. Through the years, we have managed to overcome several limitations, which in the past were nothing more than dreams. We succeeded in landing on the moon and communicating over long distance, yet there are still some boundaries we have yet to cross despite our best effort. Aging is an inevitable process of nature. While we cannot stop the ticking clock in our body, we have made it possible for aging to be delayed and relieved to a great extent through advance technology and modern governance. High-tech equipments and medications are available for the treatments of more illnesses as our understanding of medicine improves and governments nowadays are doing
Aging causes structural and functional changes in brain. As aging population has become a burden, it is essential to study aging brain aiming to maintain cognitive integrity. Previous studies indicated that young blood improves the function of stem cells in organs including brain by heterochronic parabiosis model. However, data is lacking whether regeneration or beyond occurs by this model. The authors Villeda et al., hypothesized that aged animal exposed to young blood can counteract aging process and rejuvenate brain cognitive function. Therefore, the authors conducted research to examine within molecular, structural, functional, and cognitive aspects.