
Electron Communication

Decent Essays

Question 1:
Electron communication is a lot like sending messages through today’s technology. When a neuron is stimulated, it sends an impulse from dendrites down its axon. The impulse is the same in that it fires at one strength and speed, the only difference is in the number of impulses sent. The impulse that is sent is what we call the action potential. A weak stimulus will trigger less frequent action potentials, while a intense stimulus will increase the frequency of action potentials. The neuron begins at a resting state with an inner voltage of -70mV and all of the ion channels closed. When a stimulus takes place the sodium channel will open and the charge inside the membrane with increase. The strength of the stimulus and change must break the threshold at -55mV. The actual movement of the impulse down the axon is what we call the conduction of the action …show more content…

Astrocytes are found in the CNS and are shaped like a star. The role of an astrocyte is to support the neurons. They maintain chemical concentrations, remove waste, repairs, as well as playing a role in the blood brain barrier. Oligodendrocytes are found in the CNS and provide the myelin sheath. Schwann cells are found in the PNS and provide the myelin sheath. Both Oligodendrocytes and Schwann cells hold the same responsibilities. The Microglial cell ingests cells and pathogens and play a role in immunity.
Question 5: Cerebrospinal fluid is the liquid that protects the CNS. Cerebrospinal fluid plays an important role in regulation of intracranial pressure and metabolic functions. The fluid circulates in two different compartments. Ventricles are the first place that the fluid circulates. The second place is what surrounds the CNS, subarachnoid space. Cerebrospinal fluid is secreted by the choroid plexus, which are located in the ventricular system. The CSF constantly reabsorbs and does so through the subarachnoid

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