
Electronic Brainwashing Satire

Satisfactory Essays

Title Catchy Opener “Electronic Brainwashing: Cambridge Analytica Sinister Facebook Strategy” was an effective piece of satire because it Clearly shows how the host Trevor Noah is making fun of facebook and Cambridge Analytica. It also uses Irony and Hyperbole along with other forms of satire to help get the point across. The piece included a counter argument, and overall the points were clear and convincing. The problem addressed in “Electronic Brainwashing” was that facebook went behind the backs of their users and gave the information they collected to Cambridge Analytica. Lead In “Electronic Brainwashing” was a segment on The Daily Show with Trevor Noah, In it Trevor talked about how Facebook paid several users to take a personality …show more content…

In the short video about brainwashing Trevor Noah uses Irony a couple of times and some use of hyperbole. When comparing Trump and Cruz use of Cambridge Analytica in the political elections Trevor says “ All the electronic brainwashing in the world can’t make people like ted cruz” (Later). The irony behind this is that they both political leaders had the same tools to help further there agenda and Ted Cruz didn’t even beat Hillary Clinton. That little bit helped sell that it was supposed to be more of a joke rather than him really being worried. Next he uses hyperbole to try and make the point that some people see this a just advertising and then goes on to say that tradition advertisements don't know you personally. He backs this claim up with hyperbole saying “Imagine if samsung used that data to see your lost your dad and offered you a phone that would allow you to talk to him” (Later). He uses this exaggerated statement to try and get the point across that it is not as bad as we make it seem. While it might seem like he took it to far, It helps build the sense that he is joking about this whole matter and not taking it serious. Lead

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