
Electronic Screening: A Case Study Summary

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The patient completed the electronic screening and this therapist assisted him since he expressed that does not know about computers. He has 88 years and hearing problems. The results were negative for suicidal ideation (C-SSRS); positive for depression/severe (CAD-MMD, CAT-DI 79.9); positive/mild for anxiety (CAT-ANX: 42.6); negative for mania/hypomania (CAT-M/HM 42.5), he is not taking medication and negative for NIDA (alcohol/drugs (0). Furthermore, he denied hallucinations, delusional ideas are not present and he is oriented (time, place and person). The results were discussed with the patient and Ms. Kubay, NP. The patient is receptive for the help and does not have a psychiatric history. He shared that his depression started after his

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