Based on my inventory results, I do have what it takes to be successful in that field. “A teacher need to speak, listen, and help the students” (Focus 2 2015). This career will serve the new generation who enroll in an elementary school. The personal value of this career is being responsible and have patience with kids. Teachers must be responsible for the learning of the students. Furthermore, teachers need to have patience with elementary students because they do not know a lot of things. I will find satisfaction in this career because I love to help others. Also, I am a very patience person. I am sure that I will be fulfilled with this job because I will help future generations. Also, I will accomplish one more goal in my life. This job
The field of education sparks my interest and it is the field I would love to be working in, in the near future. The role of a teacher is a very important one and is one that is not suited for everyone. A teacher needs to respect students, create a sense of community and belonging in the classroom, be warm, accessible, enthusiastic, and caring. These are all qualities I hope to be acquiring with my experiences working with young children. Being in the school of education and human services here at PCTI has been a wonderful learning experience throughout the years.
While growing up and observing my teachers at school, I have learned that it isn’t always an easy job. Teachers do everything they can to teach their students’ academic, social and other formative skills. Plenty of my teachers have to deal with complications, most of them being minor, but it isn’t always an easy job helping children, teens and young adults. As a student myself, I know they can be stubborn, unwilling to learn, aggressive, and irresponsible. Sometimes, they simply don’t care. However, that is a teacher's purpose: to help and shape their students to become better learners, so that they have a clearer understanding regarding a variety of subject matters. Someday, I actually want to become an elementary art teacher, which is
I have taught students ranging from five years old to nineteen years of age. Hence, being an educator, I have learned that learning is always shifting, therefore I must keep improving with the incessant changes. As a little girl, I have always dreamt of being a teacher and I have carried out that dream. My career journey started as a substitute teacher, a floater between classrooms, an assistant teacher, a teacher, a center supervisor, and an educational supervisor. I presently work as an Educational consultant for Danya International LLC. As an Educational Consultant, I able to review and aid with the learning environment of teachers and educational management in a school
I believe that education is the key in developing today’s students into tomorrow’s leaders. Education is the basis on which individuals develop their self-concept and the desire to become more knowledgeable. I want to become an educator because I am interested in helping elementary students become active learners and also to assist with their social skills. I believe I can make a difference to many students as they start their educational foundation. I feel that all teachers should possess the desire to devote their hard work and efforts to their students’ educational success. I view teaching as not only one of the most respected careers, but also as one in which the rewards are great and many
What is an educational career? Most would think of those first days of preschool. While others would say when you are introduced to any form of education, whether it be from a TV show or book for children that are too young to go to school. I believe that it starts when you have an interest in learning. For example, at a very young age, I found myself getting jealous of my older sister being able to go to school all week, while I would stay at home playing and keeping myself busy. It got to the point where I would be moping around while she got ready or begging my dad to let me sit in the room with them while he helped her with her homework. Eventually, my parents got tired of this because I began to get flashcards and early learning books from the dollar store that I would happily work on for hours. These are the times that come to my mind when I think about the time my educational career began.
I always thought I would be a teacher and I would make differences in lives and it would be the greatest experience in the world for me, yet being a teacher wasn’t enough, I had a need to expand my education. I decided that perhaps I needed a new career, however, I felt certain education remained my passion. I began to explore new areas of education and I realized I still want to be a member of a classroom, a school and curriculum. I aspire to guide those leading our classrooms.
Have you considered a career as an Early Childhood Educator? Many people have not felt they are qualified to hold such an important position. Others have heard their calling to work with children early on in their adult lives. Having a career as an Early Childhood Educator can not only be fullfilling, but also rewarding. It is important to understand the criterion that is considered a profession. In our text it states the definition of prefession as, “It is an occupation that serves the public welfare and that requires specialized educational training in some branch of learning or science” (Feeney, S., 2012, p.6).
So you want to be an elementary school teacher? It’s a challenging career, requiring patience and social skills, as you have to be able to wrangle a room filled with rambunctious children. Once you get through the tough stuff, the career is filled with immeasurable rewards. Being an elementary school teacher is not just going into a classroom and teaching kids how to add numbers, where something is on a map, or how to write. This career is far deeper than that, you will build a relationship with each and every student and ultimately build the foundation of the students’ future education. Elementary school teachers guide their students through a crucial period in their lives. This career is a good choice for people who want to make a
Teaching is a very important field when considering what to do for the rest of one’s life. The world will always need teachers to teach our children what they need to know. What would be the better option, teaching high school or elementary school? This proposes an interesting question that can only be answered by the individual willing to teach. By comparing high school and elementary school, and delving into three different areas, such as: training, classroom environment, and student behavior, a wise career choice can be made.
Becoming an educator is very important to me. Not only am I building a relationship with children, but I am also building their brains for success. Attending school helps build my future career path and gives me the understanding of children. The position in education I would like to have is becoming a first-grade teacher working at an elementary school. The school I plan to work for is a public school meaning students are acknowledge for their independence. In this school environment, it has a lot of excitement and motivation. I have visited the school many times, and it makes you feel like you are at home. This school also provides after-care for students who needs to be watched while their parents are at work or doing something important. The after care at the school provides free tutoring, educational games, and a snack. While furthering my investigation on this career, I feel this job is a good fit for me because it provides motivation and it acknowledges you as a person. It helps provide all the satisfaction needed and more. The staff is well mannered and the facility is always clean.
Completing my twenty-sixth year as a building administrator has been the ultimate career position that I have encountered and experienced in my educational endeavors past or present. I began teaching in 1979 at the first grade level and taught for ten years at the elementary level. I later sought to get my masters in Reading due to the fact that it was such an important subject for young children. During this time I began realizing that I would love to be an elementary principal. I had taught under several different principals and I saw the strong and weak in each of them. My goal was to become a productive leader by helping teachers broaden their educational expertise and producing a strong learning environment for the students attending my school. I spent the first twenty five years at a small rural school in Lawrence County named Black Rock Elementary. The last two years have been at Walnut Ridge Elementary within the same district. Both schools have been a positive experience. The remainder of my time will be at this school for the next three to four years at which time I plan to retire. The ultimate career goal at this time will be to teach at a small college.
“If you don’t build your dreams, someone will hire you to build theirs.” As a child I never had a real dream. It was either chef, army, police officer, or teacher and that would change every few months or so. As I matured and comprehended or at least attempted to comprehend what life was about only a few goals stood out. Now only two goals most be accomplished before I can write another list: go to college with the help of scholarships and go to medical school to become a fruitful doctor.
High School gave me a wide range of opportunity and opens my mind on what I can do with my life. However, the most important part of high school for me was taking agricultural classes thought-out high school, because it helps me realize that I want a career in the agriculture industry. Being in agriculture classes and in FFA I had the opportunity to get involve in agricultural related actives, visit agricultural colleges and university, and had opportunities to meet with people who took a part in the agriculture industry. If it was not for the agriculture classes or FFA I probably would be looking for careers in a completely different field. It is from being involved with the agriculture program in high school that allow me to see the different
An elementary school teacher has numerous daily duties and procedures to follow throughout a school day. Some of the most important task that an elementary school teacher has to do are planning lessons and assigning homework, maintaining grade books, and creating a positive learning environment for students. Some teachers believe that the way a classroom is setup reflects there student behavior so it is very important to create an encouraging learning environment. ( ) Having the task to create a fun and exciting learning environment has to be one of the most exciting things about this career right along with all the fun projects and interactive assignment that I will be able to implement with my lesson plan. Although being an elementary teacher may seem like you have free range it’s not very fun when younger children has to take standardized test to be promoted to the next grade level I believe that its way too much stress on younger children. I also don’t think that there should be an honors ceremony in elementary schools because it teaches children to believe that there not good enough or that they have to be stressed about making a certain grade and these are just a few thing that I’m not excited about when it comes to becoming an elementary school teacher.
The big question teachers ask me throughout my life is “what do you want to be when you grow up?” I never had an answer to that. Going into college I didn’t have a set plan as to what career I would like to pursue. However, I knew that I wanted to work with kids; I originally wanted to be a pediatrician. That career choice was based on my family wanting me to be successful, so I put my passion for working with kids and their passion together. As I began to focus on what I want instead of what others want, I changed my major to Early Childhood Education and chose the path of teaching as my career choice. I have high hopes for this career because teachers are always needed. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics(BLS), the employment rate for my career choice will increase by six percent from 2014 to 2024. In this world, education is valued and will help put people many steps ahead. The reason why I chose to be an elementary teacher is because I want to be able to motivate and inspire my younger generations.