
Beneficence: A Case Study

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According to Maryann Hogan, Beneficence is to act in the best interest of others; to contribute to the well-being of others; includes client advocacy; has three major components: to promote good, prevent harm or evil, and remove harm or evil. One scenario I can think of which I safeguarded beneficence for a patient when I had a patient who was diagnosed with stage 3 cancer. We can call her Mercy (fictional name). Mercy was depressed, she was young and she didn’t want to get out of bed, clean herself, or eat. I would sit in her room and try to talk to her, but she would not respond. She only would reply with a yes or no answer. Finally one day she spoke back. We sat and talked for a while. She told me about her anxiety, fears, and plan for the future. She expressed to me about how she felt …show more content…

Recently I was taking care of a patient who had a hemoglobin level of 4.8. She was alert orient to name date time place. She refused to receive blood transfusion because she is a Jehovah witness so it is against her religion to received blood. She received education on the importance of blood transfusion from me and the doctors. As her nurse, respect her decision no not receiving blood transfusion. Her and her doctor came to an agreement of using Procrit, iron tablet, consuming foods high in iron instead. Her hemoglobin slowly increased to 6.0. She had to stay in the hospital longer then original expected, but she was satisfied with the options she received to help increase her hemoglobin level. Because she is capable of making her own decision regarding her health, as her nurse I am here to support her by listening, provide education, and provide other available

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