According to Maryann Hogan, Beneficence is to act in the best interest of others; to contribute to the well-being of others; includes client advocacy; has three major components: to promote good, prevent harm or evil, and remove harm or evil. One scenario I can think of which I safeguarded beneficence for a patient when I had a patient who was diagnosed with stage 3 cancer. We can call her Mercy (fictional name). Mercy was depressed, she was young and she didn’t want to get out of bed, clean herself, or eat. I would sit in her room and try to talk to her, but she would not respond. She only would reply with a yes or no answer. Finally one day she spoke back. We sat and talked for a while. She told me about her anxiety, fears, and plan for the future. She expressed to me about how she felt …show more content…
Recently I was taking care of a patient who had a hemoglobin level of 4.8. She was alert orient to name date time place. She refused to receive blood transfusion because she is a Jehovah witness so it is against her religion to received blood. She received education on the importance of blood transfusion from me and the doctors. As her nurse, respect her decision no not receiving blood transfusion. Her and her doctor came to an agreement of using Procrit, iron tablet, consuming foods high in iron instead. Her hemoglobin slowly increased to 6.0. She had to stay in the hospital longer then original expected, but she was satisfied with the options she received to help increase her hemoglobin level. Because she is capable of making her own decision regarding her health, as her nurse I am here to support her by listening, provide education, and provide other available
Adam Lovell, the young boy, with the tips of all his digits colored in a dark blue, and purple spots all over his trunk, feet, and hands was rushed to the hospital by his parents and was diagnosed with meningococcemia. At this stage, the boy was in pain, vomiting and not looking to recover soon. The parents when faced with a decision to accept multiple blood component therapy to treat a coagulopathy and they accepted. Up till now, the ethical dilemma is not yet present at this stage because obviously the doctors want the best possible treatment for the patient and the parents are looking for the well being of their child and seeking the best possible solution to make their child recuperate from the illness. After several days with treatment,
Social Services: On 02/17/2017, Ms. Hair and her son Aaron met with the family assigned Case Manager for the family ILP Document Review. Ms. Hair is expected to meet with her assigned Case Manager bi-weekly. Ms. Hair’s next ILP appointment is on 02/02/2017. Case Manager asked Ms. Hair if she is aware that she is not in-compliance with the terms of her ILP, Ms. Hair stated yes. Case Manager asked Ms. Hair if is aware that failed to attend her ILP meetings since 01/23/2017, Ms. Hair stated that she was aware. Ms. Hair last ILP was conducted on 01/23/2017. Ms. Hair stated that the reason that she has not attended her ILP meetings is due to her work scheduled. Case Manager explained to Ms. Hair that it’s understandable that she is working and she
On October 16th in Mississippi a teenager was burned to death. The suspected person was a 29 year old man named Quinton Tellis. If persecuted he would be faced with life in prison. The verdict was a hung jury. The jury consisted of 6 African Americans and 6 white jurors. The jury had some confusion and after a retry with the poll of votes they couldn’t come up with verdict. The teenager's name was Jessica chambers. She died on December 6th due to the 3rd degree burns all over her body. During the trial eight persons on site testified that she said "Eric set me on fire". There was debates on what she meant to say. The way they found out is that they tracked Quinton's phone records. He had deleted all conversations with her but had been talking
He told me that he was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes in December 2010. Since his doctor prescribed rapid acting insulin for his diabetes, I asked him if it is acceptable to talk about his medical condition in front of his family. He gave me consent to talk about his medical problems in front of his wife and children. I suggested to him about the need to take his insulin shot right before eating a meal. I informed him about the insulin medications that he was taking which was lispro and have an onset of 10 to 30 minutes, peak time of 30 to 3 hours and a duration of 3 to 5 hours. Furthermore, I emphasized the need for him to eat a balanced diet, and the importance of exercise. I encouraged him to eat small amount of carbohydrates during 30 minutes of exercise to prevent hypoglycemia. I also taught him that the signs and symptoms of hypoglycemia are tachycardia, irritation, excessive hunger, restless, diaphoretic and depression. He told me that he did not like to work and do any activity besides going to his job. I brought some articles about how eating healthy, taking his medication, and how regular exercise has shown to prevent, and slow down the progressive process on type two diabetes. I suggested to him to start to work around his neighborhood, and later he could find a support group of friends can walk together with.
6. True or false? Beneficence is a principle of ethics that assumes that the healthcare
The universal truth that feelings of entitlement restrict enlightenment is evident in the essay “What is Poverty?” by Theodore Dalrymple through effective presentation of the Marxist Theory and Psychoanalytical Theory. Firstly, the universal truth that feelings of entitlement restrict enlightenment is displayed by the idea that enlightenment is not given, but it is achieved and discovered. Being given something is not the same as working for it and earning it. When an individual may be given something that the feel is an entitlement, they do not feel or understand the effort that went into gifting or giving them the object. The idea is showcased through a quote from the essay “What is Poverty?”:
But nobody ever set any parameters on what to do if the hemoglobin ranged between 7 and 10. This left the physician to decide when to start a blood transfusion. The Johns Hopkins study revealed that because of this most physicians always erred in the side of “safety” by ordering a transfusion any time the hemoglobin was at or below 10.
Acting in a beneficent fashion is to "actively contribute to the well-being of others," while "[n]onmaleficence means not causing others harm" (20017, Cook & Truscott, p.9-10). Ultimately, Badiuk's actions negatively affect both his Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal students because his FB dialogue is purposefully harmful and as a role model, he is setting a harmful precedent, which his students might see as
Beneficence is the ethical principle of doing good unto others. Healthcare professionals display this principle by:
Do you believe that it's good to be assigned or chosen for a job? In “The Giver” by Lois Lowry. The community in “ The Giver” is based on organization. Where everyone has job that is suitable for them. In the real world the society has to search for a job. Real world society have to work at a job even if you do not like the job because you need to make money for themselves or family. People should be assigned jobs based on benefits and interest on the job and equality in the job.
As citizens of the United States of America, we are extremely lucky. We have the freedom of speech, the right to religion, and all around free-will. We are a free country. Thus bringing attention to the less fortunate parts of the country is not easy. The citizens of the country tend to turn a blind eye to the hardships that some people face. Why aren’t we doing more to help those in need? As a country united, we need to be doing more to help the people in poverty, hunger, and who are homeless in America.
Throughout ones lifetime there is a set of experiences that affects ones moral views, causing us to distinguish right from wrong in certain situations. One topic that has caused major controversy as to whether it is ethical or not is euthanasia and physician assisted suicide. There are some who view this issue as unethical and murder, and others who see it as a basic constitutional human right. Many people differ in where they place the line that separates allowing one to die and murder, and the biggest issue would be as to whether the patient can competently agree to their death, hence the word suicide. After researching both sides of the issue I have decided that I will be advocating for the view that physician assisted suicided and
According to Kennedy (2004) “beneficence is acting to prevent evil or harm, to protect and defend the rights of others to do or promote good” (p. 501).
Ever since a young age, there has been a deep interest into studying childhood. Based on the long term interest of childhood, this course is ideal to further my knowledge. With core modules including: the psychological and sociological perspectives of childhood, university will build and enhance my previous knowledge. This will provide an advanced understanding of: children’s education, social right issues and many aspects of childhood.
Patient strongly believes that faith plays an important part in his health, but he knows that he could also do much more for himself in order to improve his health. Mr. Ferrell quotes, “I can’t expect God to help me if I don’t help myself” (Ferrel, 2013). Praying and honoring God does fullfil his spiritual needs but it does not magically improve his health. He mentioned that his weakness is food and as a result he struggles with his diabetic and renal diets; eating healthier could improve the patient’s health. Mr. Ferrell believes and knows that he needs to treat his body better as God has been so merciful with him and considers his eating habits a sin. As a retired man, he finds time to do many Church activities that benefit both the community and himself. He likes doing community services as it helps release some stress caused by his illness. Being involved in Church has taken him to Jerusalem, which to him was the most wonderful experience. Traveling has played an important role for him but cannot do so often due to his dependency of a machine to clean his blood. What went well