
Elevated Blood Pressure

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Blood pressure readings are noted in two separate areas, the systolic and diastole. The systole (top number) is the pressure within the arteries when the heart is contracting and pushing the blood forward. When a blood pressure is above the normal range this is notation that the heart is having to work harder to pump the blood properly within the system. The diastole (bottom number) is the pressure within the arteries when the heart is relaxed. A normal blood pressure reading is 120/80, 139/89 is pre hypertensive and 140/90 and higher is labeled as hypertensive. Elevated blood pressures can be divided into two separate categories, this is primary and secondary hypertension (HTN) (Egan & Zhao, 2013). Primary Hypertension, also known as essential hypertension is a type of elevated blood pressure in which there is no identifiable cause. It is noted to be a complex interplay, including; …show more content…

Many symptoms are noted only when the blood pressure is extremely elevated at a dangerous and/or life threatening level. The symptoms that can be associated with extreme HTN are severe headaches, vision problems, fatigue, chest pain, irregular heartbeat, blood in urine, and /or pounding in chest, neck or ears. Also to be noted, when persons has high blood pressure that is accompanied with the following signs may be evidence of secondary hypertension (Egan, 2015). Such as:
• Elevated blood pressure (resistant hypertension) that does not respond to medications.
• Uncontrolled elevated blood pressure with medications in which at one were beneficial by keeping the blood pressured within normal limits.
• Extremely persistent elevated blood pressures; systolic over 180 mmHg and/or a diastole over 120 mmHg.
• Sudden onset of elevated blood pressure before the age of 30 or following the age of 55.
• No obesity
• No family history with

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