"She never wavered in doubt or disbelief but believed God's promise (for a successful business). In fact, her faith grew stronger (as she worked daily), and in this she brought glory to God. She was fully convinced that God is able to do whatever he promises (through her)." Romans 4:20-21.
God has promised you unconditional love, abounding success, good plans for your future, complete forgiveness, he crowns you with love and tender mercies, He fills your life with good things, and most importantly he has promised that you can do ALL things through Him who strengthens you! (from Phil. 4:13, also Psalm 103). My motto: "I do my best and let God do the rest" AND "Work as if everything depends on you knowing that everything depends on God." Quit telling God how big your mountain is, and tell your mountain how BIG your God is.
Are you getting my point? As you work your business, you will gain confidence, achieve a more
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She became a director in the minimum time and was the #1 Dean's List in her debuting class Nationwide, receiving a beautiful blue topaz Dean's List ring. She has earned 4 company cars in her Mary Kay career, 2 of which are the beautiful Pink Cadillac, for which she takes $900 a month to drive her brand new silver CLK Mercedes. Ellen has been in the Queen's Court of Sharing every year of her business, once in the top 20, once in the top 5, and most recently as Queen of Sharing for 2006 Sapphire Seminar- for which she won a gorgeous 3 carat Bee pin, a 5 carat Pink Tourmaline ring surrounded by 2 carats of diamonds, and she has also earned 4 beautiful bumblebee pins. Ellen has been in the Circle of Excellence 3 times, once in the $450,000 circle. Her highest paycheck has been in excess of $17,000 for ONE month. She is so proud to have such powerful offspring directors in her area, and is on a mission to grow her area to 30 Directors immediately. Her passion is
Let us do well in all that we do, because all around the world, people will see you; including God. They will stop, look, think and say, "wow, you look like you're having a really good day." Be a part of God's team, helping people pass their personal tests, as a good living example doing your best.
Question 1: Is Mary Kay an "international firm", a "multinational firm", or a "transnational firm" as defined in this course and based on its marketing strategy? Why?
Mary Kay Cosmetics Inc’s (MKC) was facing challenges of increasing number of competing direct selling organizations in the US cosmetics market and was not satisfied with their sales revenue generated from international sales. They believed MKC culture could be transferred internationally and that Mary Kay Ash’s charisma, motivation and philosophy were likely to appeal to women throughout the world.
Her and her son went on to open the first Mary Kay store in Dallas, TX. In the first year they made $200,000. Two years later Mary Kay Cosmetics went on to earn $1,000,000. Her game plan was much like the products she sold earlier in her career. Mary Kay Cosmetics were sold at-home parties and other events. Mary Kay treated her company differently. She offered reward incentives to her top selling consultants such as pink Cadillacs and 5 star vacations. Mary lived by the golden rule "treat others as you want to be treated," and operated by the motto: God first, family second and career
She truly believed that these experiences were unquestionable. She explained how she had changed her for the better and became a stronger individual, and that her prayers were being answered differently from
She keeps her faith and without doubt at first even when her life's starts to go down hill. Supports #6 (pg. 39) Her faith has lead her to work day into night for the leader. “She seldom slept more than five hours.”
I am very motivated to achieve my goals. I feel there is no other option. When we are consistent in our pursuit of our dreams and of Jesus, amazing things can happen. God is moved by our faith in Him and all he asks is that we truly trust him. This is why I am very motivated to achieve my goals because in God I know that I can. I am a child of the King so I expect the very best.
If we PERSEVERE and stand firm upon the teachings of the Lord we can endure (persevere) thru tribulations, our faith will grow stronger.
Business people are also known as entrepreneurs who are willing to stand up and make something new happen. It also required certain skills to become successful in the business world. Therefore, it requires a lot of training and knowledge acquiring these skills. There are many skills that a business person should have in order for him to become the best image of himself. There is balance created within by acquiring those skills so that it can be used in various other accepts of life. This essay will address how basic business skills acquired by a person could possible help him/her in their profession life.
One of the ten principal virtues of the Blessed Virgin Mary is “continual mental prayer.” During her life, the Blessed Mother was constantly in tune with God’s will. Every morning she woke up thinking about God, she thought about Him continually throughout the day, and she went to bed thinking about Him. She was the new Eve, who possessed the same preternatural gifts that Adam and Eve possessed before they sinned.
As I see as a human we all want to have a successful business but it take hard in a lot of responsibility in you have to try number of different way of owning a small businesses. Sometime you have to do what you have to do to have a successful business that the object of become a module business owner going out the way to be all you can be .Sometime you have to ask for help from people but that how other rich people that was poor started like Donald trump, bill gates in more other successful people.
The Lord has heard your cries and your groaning in your spirit. Is it not His Spirit that groans within you? Now turn to Him. Hear His Word. Attend your ear unto Him. Move forward in humility and obedience. Show forth His Love. Move and live in the fullness of His Spirit. He will do great and mighty things in your midst. The desires that He has planted within you will come to pass. Do not say in your heart it is too high or too great. Is there anything too hard for the Lord? As you believe Him and in faith seek Him and in faith obey His Word, will He not fulfill that which He has declared? Does He not watch over His Word with Zeal to bring it to pass?
Thought for the Day: God delights in a fulfilled life. Receive his blessings thankfully, and use them to exalt God and bless others – even if it means taking a risk.
Growing up, I lived with her throughout my childhood an she would talk about having faith in the Lord and how God's unconditional love would always be with me. She was a very strict and loving woman of God an when she spoke on these topics, I knew just how important they were, not just because of what she was saying but because of