
Ellsmore Public Library

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purchased individually, en masse, donated, or otherwise will be reviewed several times before being adding to the collection. In-Print Sources
The Horn Book Magazine, New York Times Book Review
Journals for Current Reviews
Novelist Plus, Booklist Publications, Library Journal
Retrospective Selection Tools
A to Zoo (youth materials), Goodreads Publishers’ Catalogs Current publishers’ catalogs are used as they are regularly updated and have extensive descriptions C. Criteria
The principles guiding the choice of materials must align with:

· Shelving Space
· Overall ease of use
· Scarcity of information on subject
· Price/demand
· Overall value/Longevity value
· Literary/artistic value
· Authority of the author, …show more content…

As a member of this program, the Ellsmore Library borrows from other participating libraries throughout the state to fulfill patron requests, but also lends its materials for the same purpose. The Ellsmore Public Library will not lend these items to the SC Lends program: reference items, any current periodical items or items on hold currently by EPL patrons. Being a part of the SC Lends program also means that the Ellsmore Public Library seeks to avoid over-duplicating materials from associating libraries in the program, but maintaining enough copies and unique items for regular patron …show more content…

Staff will hear out the complainant. The complaint may be made to the individual in charge of the building at the time. All complaints will be documented and reported to the Library Director within 24 hrs. A complete, non-anonymous Complaint form must be used. Anonymous forms will be disregarded. 2. If the explanation given by library staff is not satisfactory to the complainant, a second Complaint/ Request for Reconsideration form may be filled out and returned to the Library Director. Again, anonymous forms will not be processed. 3. Additional eyes and opinions are required for an adequate complaint review. To that end, a review committee will be created by the Library Director to review the challenge. The committee will consist of a librarian from a neighboring library, a Trustee, and two prominent community members will form this advising committee. All resources to aid in the challenge evaluation will be provided by the Library Director. The committee’s report will be sent to the Library Director after thirty days. 4. The Library Director, after receiving the committee’s advisement, will make a decision on the objectionable materials. Results from the final decision will be communicated in writing to all parties involved within one week of the final

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