
Emancipated Youth: A Case Study

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Background and Purpose: Each year over 20,000 youth are emancipated from the U.S. foster care system because they did not achieve legal permanency—that is, exiting foster care through a state-sanctioned outcome of adoption or guardianship. The transition to adulthood for emancipated foster youth is characterized by bleak outcomes across key well-being indicators. While we continue to build knowledge about emancipated youth, little is known about how adolescents who exited foster care through adoption or guardianship fare as young adults. The attainment of legal permanence presumes that young people who exit state custody through adoption or guardianship at a minimum, fare better than their emancipated counterparts, by virtue of attaining legal permanence. This paper begins to address this important gap in our knowledge by comparing how young adults who exited foster care through legal permanence (e.g., adoption, guardianship) or emancipation fare during young adulthood.

Methods: …show more content…

Interviews, lasting approximately 60 – 90 minutes, centered on the young adults’ post-permanence or post-emancipation experiences across the domains of education, employment, housing, and relationships with caretakers. Interviews were digitally recorded, transcribed, and reviewed and coded using a descriptive approach to data analysis, with NVivo-10, for the purposes of comparing the well-being and adult functioning among study participants exiting foster through legal permanence or

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