
Embryo Biopsy Research Paper

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How Embryo Biopsy Is Performed
Meta Description Interested in genetic embryo testing? Learn how embryo biopsy for PGS and PGD is performed through our Orange County IVF center.
Meta Title (70 cap) How Embryo Biopsy Is Performed - Orange County IVF Specialist

How Embryo Biopsy Is Performed

The basics of embryo biopsy and genetic testing

The first step to genetically test an embryo prior to transfer is the embryo biopsy, in which a few cells are removed from each embryo on day five. Waiting until day five, when the embryo has hundreds of cells, allows for the removal of more cells, increasing testing accuracy.

To retrieve the cells, the embryologist uses a laser to create an opening in the outer shell of the embryo, taking care not to damage the embryo as cells are removed. The sample cells are then sent to a separate genetics laboratory, where geneticists …show more content…

PGS embryo biopsy

PGS is the most common type of testing associated with embryo biopsy. Each normal embryo contains 46 chromosomes, with 23 contributed by the sperm and 23 by the egg. In this test, geneticists are checking to be sure that the embryo has 46 normal chromosomes, which means it is a normal, or euploid, embryo. If there are fewer than or more than 46, the embryo is abnormal, or aneuploid.

PGS embryo biopsy can also reveal an embryo’s sex. Two types of chromosomes - X and Y - determine the gender of the embryo, while pairs of autosomes (1-22) determine almost everything else. A female embryo will have XX chromosomes, while a male will have XY. The sperm contributes one sex chromosome (X or Y) and 22 autosomes, while the egg contributes one sex chromosome (X only) and 22 autosomes.

PGD embryo

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