Embryonic Stem Cells or No?
Did you know that since 1981, researchers have been removing embryonic stem cells from thousands of embryos to create cells that could potentially save people from diseases? How many patients do you think this has helped since then? Hundreds? Thousands? Wrong. In fact, not one “cure” has been found to help people with Parkinson’s, cancer, heart disease and so many more rare diseases that it is said to be able to help.
Embryonic stem cell research has been an issue in America for right around 35 years. Essentially, what this is, is letting a fertilized egg turn into an embryo, which contains many stem cells. To be obtained though, the embryo must be damaged.Resulting, in killing this pre-born child. To me, this is not the best way to obtain the cells researchers really need.
I am against embryonic stem cell research because it is immoral, there are other options for obtaining stem cells, and using these unspecialized cells have serious effects.
Immorality( being unethical) is a large issue in today’s society.Embryonic stem cell research is right next to abortion and murder on the “Immoral” list. I am strongly against embryonic stem cell research because , it is taking away the human rights of the child that could be born. All humans are conceived with the right of life. The intentional obtention of human embryonic stem cells deliberately destroys the human forming in the cell. All human beings, not just adults, not just children; not just
For this reason, embryonic stem cells should not be used is that life is destroyed when stem cell lines are created. "the only way to get pluripotent stem cells for research is to remove the inner cell mass of an embryo and put it in a dish" said on the stem cell debate is it over?).” This quote says that you have to kill embryos to study stem cells. When someone Murders someone they go to jail. When you kill an embryo you are becoming a Murderer. Embryos are still alive whether or not you think an embryo is alive
Embryonic Stem Cell Research are pluripotent stem cells derived from the inner cell mass of a blastocyst. I believe that the use of Embryonic Stem Research is beneficial to society because these cells have unlimited potential. They can allow permanent repair to failing organs by injecting healthy cells into the damaged organ. They also can used for finding and preventing cures for cancers, Parkinson’s disease, birth defects, spinal cord injuries, and strokes. However, Stem Cell Research is a controversial topic, especially when referring to Embryonic Stem Cell Research.
Embryonic stem cell research should not be used. They should not be used because they charge you to do the embryonic stem cell research , it takes a while for them to be viable for research , and there is a possibility that there can be a rejection.
Embryonic Stem cells have led to a very long line of discussion. Whether to see it as immoral not to pursue research or immoral to pursue research, it is nonetheless very difficult to discuss. Questions are uncovered during this debate, for example, Is killing possible life (Embryos) lesser or greater than saving the already living, such as people with incurable diseases? The debate goes deeper and deeper into moral judgment and it doesn't matter whether you are religious or not in this argument because in both cases it is a life. But what if it didn't have to be a life? Further forms of research may be used to help save lives both from people who have incurable diseases and the embryos. If such research can be formed without a moral block, performance of such research should not be delayed. The possibility to save loved ones is incredible, to do so without victimizing women for embryos and killing those embryos, which could possibly behold life, only to maybe
The embryonic stem cells can be a very good use in surgeries. Can even help cure cancer. But why embryos? Why not use adult stem cells. By permitting this research we don't only increase the number of dangerous procedures women go through. But we also make people think that abortion is a good and can help others. Not everyone agrees with the destruction of their embryos to do research. Some others simply just don't want to get their embryos experimented on. By this research abortion would most likely have to become legal. These treatments go against our lifes rights. The people in need of these treatments would most
Imagine this, a family member sits in the hospital critically ill. There is nothing the doctors can can do anymore to help that loved one. Except maybe, embryonic stem cell treatment. But with the research fund being cut or just getting shut down, it is nearly impossible to help that family member. This is one reason embryonic stem cell research should be permitted. They from unused embryos, they can help by being used to find cures, and can help further cell research.
Unfortunately, embryonic stem cell research involves extracting stem cells from embryos, thus killing them in the process. According to Stanford.edu, “Opponents of HESC [Human Embryonic Stem Cell] research argue that the research is morally impermissible because it involves the unjust killing of innocent human beings.” Yes, these embryos are dying from the extraction of their stem cells, but the fact of whether or not this is killing innocent human beings solely depends on point of view. If you consider a five-day old embryo to be a human being, then perhaps you would consider this to be wrong, but you believe otherwise, then maybe you would agree with the sacrificing of these embryos for beneficial research. This is how embryonic stem cell research has been very controversial in prior years and even
We live in a world where genetic sciences have gone beyond laws, and past the imagination. We have come to a point where we don’t know anymore what is right, and what is wrong. We have to decide. In fact, studies are made on embryonic stem cells that for now have the purpose to better our overall health. These stem cells are extracted from extra IVF embryos; they are used and destroyed. While it’s true that this research could cure serious illnesses as Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, and orphan diseases for example; however, it’s also true that ending a potential life is immoral and illegal. We could definitely find an alternative to the embryonic stem cells to develop the science.
With exponential increases in the capabilities of modern technology, it only fits that we use this technology to further our existence as a species. Embryonic Stem Cell Research is one of the ways we have come up with to advance our species into the future. However, the perpetrators and supporters have been under fire and controversy since its inception in 1979. The protesters are fighting it mainly because it is destroying unborn fetuses in the process.Personally, I have a special and specific connection to embryonic stem cell research. As a Type 1 Diabetic, I know that the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation uses embryonic stem cell research in its efforts to find a cure for Type 1 Diabetes. The main use for the stem cells they have is
Despsite what many say, using embryo cells is a moral way to receive stem cells. Those against the idea of taking embryotic stem cells
Embryonic stem cells have the ability to grow into any type of cell that your body contains and can potentially aid in curing diseases and or repair many essential things in your body such as a kidney or a lung. This sounds like an extremely favorable advantage to medical advancements but this subject does summon some intense debates on where the stem cells come from. Embryonic meaning that it comes from the embryo veers many people’s opinion to totally protest any use of embryonic stem cells. Opposing abortions and the use of embryonic stem cells go hand in hand. Many people are just not ready for the responsibility of having a child so they take matters into their own hands and many consider having an abortion. In the end everyone takes their own decision and they fit it to what they feel is best for their lives. Many people may see an abortion as killing an innocent life but people make their own decisions and no one can stop them. Abortions are a solution to unprepared individuals that can not handle the responsibility of having a child; why not use the cells from the procedure to save a life. Children are wonderful gifts but some people are just not ready to take up the responsibility of raising that gift so they can use that gift to help another needy life.
I believe that embryonic stem cell research should be allowed in the United States. From previous encounters with the topic I have learned that the many benefits that can come from stem cell research are without a doubt astounding and unimaginable. There are simply endless possibilities that can arise if the research was allowed to be conducted. From giving back vision to rebuilding tissue, any advance in stem cell research would be beneficial to the medical world. With the help that the advances would make, this world could come closer to many cures to diseases that are to come, and to diseases that we have already.
Opponents of the research argue that embryonic stem cell technologies are a slippery slope to reproductive cloning and can fundamentally devalue human life. Some in the pro-life movement argue that a human embryo is already a human life that is entitled to protection. The National Bioethics Advisory Commission (NBAC) has recommended a ban on human cloning due to the threats it poses to people’s safety. The NBAC position is that, “It is important to recognize that the technique that produced Dolly the sheep was successful in only 1 of 277 attempts. If attempted in humans, it would pose the risk of hormonal manipulation in the egg donor; multiple miscarriages in birth mother; and possibly severe developmental abnormalities in any resulting child.” ("HubPages") With all these risks at hand I do not think it makes sense to continue with stem cell research when there are other methods.
Stem cells can allow scientist to grow to replace tissue damage from heart disease, treat spinal cord and brain injury and could possibly treat serious diseases like diabetes, Parkinson's and Alzheimer's (source 5,7,9,10). While treatment, diagnosis and prevention of diseases have consistently been changing and finding new alternatives, stem cell research could be able to come up with a new approach in medicine that will be more comprehensive, integrated and highly individualized (source 10). Stem cell research can advance medicine dramatically and help much more people with critical
and it is not safe. Embryonic stem cell research is being done to determine if scientists can create