
Emergency Alert Thesis

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Thesis Statement: It is dangerous to have an aging, non-integrated and linked emergency alert broadcast system. Even though an integrated alert network would be expensive, it could save countless lives. Alternate Thesis 1: Despite the financial costs, it is long past time to build, organize and deploy a comprehensive integrated, nationwide, multi-communication platform to protect the lives of citizens by issuing alerts to the broadest spectrum of citizens possible. Alternate Thesis 2: The cost to replace the current dangerously outdated, non-integrated emergency alert broadcast system would be high, but could save countless lives. Problems: I: The currently used Emergency Alert System (EAS), is not integrated into a nationwide, multi-communication platform alerting system …show more content…

a. Attempt to incorporate modern technologies such as satellite radio and television stations, social media and wireless communications into the current EAS spectrum of emergency alert broadcasting. b. Utilizing the Integrated Public Alert Warning System – Open Platform for Emergency Networks (IPAWS-OPEN) testbed, to create a new and modern multi-tiered alert communication network for the United States. c. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has legal authority to require communication companies within the United States to comply with alerting protocols, however, social media is an international system and not legally under FCC control. Possible incentives to motivate social media companies to comply should be explored. Alternate Solutions: III: Using the IPAWS-OPEN as a new Emergency Alerting System, would allow the tested network to be expanded to a national level coverage. a. The IPAWS-OPEN tests have been very positive and the Common Alerting Protocol (CAP) data format allows for dissemination over many warning systems

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