Emergency Management and Homeland Security have both been subjects of interest to me due to my certificate in International Studies. During my studies, I focused on Homeland Security and volunteering in medical related fields. Engaging in courses, such as National Security and Terrorism, allowed me to better understand how our government handles situations that can cause various outcomes for our country and its safety. Although it seems like a logical concept, it is truly amazing how planning and preparing are key elements in preventing a catastrophe. Volunteering in a hospital has shown me how important Emergency Management is; there are several items to take into consideration when thinking about scenarios concerning such a large and complex
This paper is designed to show you the differences between the way conservatives and progressives view the federal role in emergency management. Furthermore, the advantages and disadvantages of each them. Also, we will discuss what you should expect as a practitioner of the profession on how to prepare yourself when you would like to switch from one to the other. Most importantly discuss the criteria of a natural disaster and how human and social perception factors inter play with each other. One question at hand is do we blame the victim? What does “blaming the victim” means? Is there any validity to this or not? Does this concept influence the way our society responds to disaster or any other event that may occur? These are some of
In the years after the 9/11 tragedy, the United States continues to face risks from all forms of major disasters, from potentially dangerous terrorist attacks to catastrophic acts of nature. Professionals in the fields of emergency management and homeland security have responsibilities for ensuring that all levels of government, urban areas and communities, nongovernmental organizations, businesses, and individual citizens are prepared to deal with such hazards though actions that reduce risks to lives and property. Regrettably, the overall efficiency and effectiveness of the nation's ability to deal with disasters is unnecessarily challenged by the absence of a common understanding on how these fields are related in the workforce and educational
The White House, federal government, and the US Congress created the idea of homeland security following the events of September 11, 2001 (Bullock, Haddow, & Coppola, 2013). The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is often associated with prevention and mitigation of terrorist actions. In reality, DHS is responsible for a much wider spectrum of hazards that pose a threat to the Nation’s safety and security. For example, DHS assists with creating and implementing newer building codes to increase their survivability during hurricanes. Through its oversight of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), DHS ensures our Nation is prepared for natural disasters such as flooding, earthquakes, mud/rock slides, and tornadoes. DHS also assists
Once the President declares a disaster a federal disaster, the declaration of an emergency triggers financial and physical assistance through the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), which is responsible for the coordination of the federal government’s response to natural and manmade disasters. Under the Housing Program, FEMA will provide temporary housing to survivors whose primary residents were destroyed during the hurricane.
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) coordinates the federal government's position in preparing for, preventing, mitigating the effects of, responding to, and recovering from all domestic disasters, whether natural or man-made, which now including acts of terror. FEMA leads and supports the nation in a risk-based, comprehensive emergency management system of preparedness, protection, response, recovery and mitigation. A key component of community preparedness and participation is the citizen. The CERT program strives to familiarize citizens with the facts about what to expect following a major disaster in their community and to deliver the message about their responsibility for mitigation and preparedness. CERT educates individuals
When the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) was created by President Carter via Executive Order 12127, it consolidated agencies to deal with various types of emergencies. The goal of emergency management is to afford fortification from all hazards for the people, properties, and governments within the United States. Successful emergency management includes a functional approach to all emergencies, mutual planning, correct use of physical and monetary resources, and shared responsibilities among federal, state, and local government.
While talking about the Environment we need to touch briefly on FEMA before we move on. Considering all the natural disasters that have hit our country over the past few years (and escalating) I'm sure most of you are at least familiar with this agency. If not, FEMA stands for Federal Emergency Management Agency, your to-go in case of emergency in our country, forest fire, earthquake, tornado, hurricane, mudslide, volcanic eruption, they cover it all. If some act of nature has knocked over your community, they step in and help dig you out and, in theory, give you funds to help rebuild and get your life back in order.
There exist numerous types of situations that could cause an emergency response, nonetheless, who is supposed to provide emergency response to large scale emergencies? The answer is the Department of Homeland Security (DHS); specifically the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). The Department of Homeland Security was created in lieu of one single event that happened on September 11th, 2001. There stand several entities under the DHS program, additionally; the Federal Emergency Management Agency heads the emergency response efforts under DHS.
For the past 35 years, the Federal Emergency Management Agency, commonly known as FEMA, has been dedicated to preparing, protecting, responding and serving the American people following major disasters and crisis. Effective on April 1, 1979 under President Jimmy Carter’s administration and funded through federal funding, FEMA has been committed to preparing, protecting, responding and assisting in recovery efforts in the state as well as the local government during crisis and disasters. Similarly to any agency, FEMA has faced many challenges when providing funding to victims and survivors of disasters. Critics have criticized FEMA in their response to disasters.
Adding to that to work with the Minister of Justice and the Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness to repeal provisions in the Citizenship Act that give the government the right to strip citizenship from dual nationals. Eliminate regulations that remove the credit provided to international students for half of the time that they spend in Canada and regulations that require new citizens to sign a declaration that they intend to reside in Canada.
How much does experiencing downtime at your business cost? Looking at the average loss, it comes in at around $5,600 every minute or $300,000 per hour. What's worse, if disaster strikes, will your business make a comeback? According to the Federal Emergency Management Agency, about 40 percent of businesses will not reopen their doors after they have incurred the wrath of a disaster. An additional 25 percent cannot survive for longer than a year after a disaster. Those statistics are humbling.
The last subject I would like to mention is the interface between emergency management and homeland security. The interface between them is staying in their own lane especially when a disaster or crisis occurs. There are no grey areas when it comes to these two entities. According to David McIntyre, he considered the interface as a “sibling rivalry” because “one was older than the other” (Lucus-McEwen, 2012). Department of Homeland Security was created to focus on terrorism. While focusing on terrorism the emergency management piece was deprived resulting in emergency management taking a life on its own. No matter how you look these two entities they are family. But the funny thing is neither one can stand on its own without the help
first and foremost, the very most important aspect in any emergency preparedness situation. Without leadership, the masses of people act under their own accord, and this is when chaos tends to break out. Leaders must necessarily and appropriately analyze and understand a situation (D&D p. 323). In the case of emergency management preparedness, what lacked throughout history was the present of a sound leader in what became the Federal Emergency Management Act. Even as FEMA had been developed and had been made into a government agency, it lacked the leadership required, until President Bill Clinton recognized this and implemented a program that started with leadership as the focal point.
Emergency management faces many challenges in today’s modern society. In the years prior to 9/11 emergency management was primarily focused on natural disasters. That has since changed; we now face a diverse variety of risks and hazards on a constant basis. As we continue to grow in population current and newer have compounded into more problems that emergency planner must face and find solutions for.
Within the areas of Homeland Security and Homeland Defense lie specific primary missions, tasks, duties, and responsibilities of each. The primary missions, tasks, duties, and responsibilities of Homeland Security and Defense include preventing terrorism and enhancing security, securing and managing our borders, and enforcing immigration laws. In addition to those missions, a new and evolving mission is that of cybersecurity. In the future, is the department ready to tackle these tasks? The department has done a great job at preventing an attack ever since the attacks of 9/11. What types of challenges are faced in the future? The tools that are needed are there, it all depends on how the department moves forward and implements these actions.