
Emergency Response Scenarios

Decent Essays

Emergency Response planning should target to address the worst case scenarios (Ernst, Oct 4, 2006). As mentioned earlier, the first step in developing an emergency response plan is to conduct a risk assessment and identifying all the potential emergency scenarios (Department of Homeland Security, Emergency Response Plan). Scenarios must be site-specific, credible and be able to have the ability to test the responsiveness to the incidents (Developing Credible Scenarios for Emergency Response Planning). There are three main types of scenario exercises; Discussion based, Table top and Live. Refer to the web article: “Table Top Planning Scenarios” (A Preservation Planning Tool: Table Top Planning Scenarios, Level of Collections Emergency, Webpage) …show more content…

There are still some limitations.
Firstly, this scenario planning exercises will remain ineffective if top management people do not spend time to chair or participate. It will eventually be seen as a waste of time and resources if the degree of importance is not well emphasized by the directors and managers. Ultimately, it will be a failed risk management in emergency response …show more content…

The time scale adopted is one way in which focus is determined, though perception of time is dependent on context, one cannot accurately predict the length of time. For example, ten years is considered long term in fashion industry while it is relatively short term for many environmental issues. As such, to overcome this, I feel periodic reviewing of scenarios plans must be in placed by the company. Besides, overtime, new issues needing emergency response plan will arise as the company progresses, infrastructure, organization structure and environment might change. Therefore a periodic review like 1-2 years is good. There will always not be a good enough

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