
Emerson's Influence On Education

Decent Essays

After coupling Emerson’s text with the notes from today’s lecture, I see now that Emerson wanted to find a way to bridge the divide between education and duties/labor of men and create a more cohesive identity as American scholars. I now understand that the “American Scholar” represented mankind; (man, women, young, old, etc.). Man’s individuality is not restrictive, but rather inclusive in the character of American society. Emerson explores the relationship between originality, and the influences of the past. In doing so, he explains that in order to be creative one must not remain in a monotonous state of being. Furthermore, creation is being “indicative of no custom or authority”; meaning free from governing traditions of past scholarships …show more content…

- “Man Thinking” is man that does not conform to societal expectation, rather is persuade of his own convictions. (R) - The first reason Emerson gives is that this is a function of the whole of man. - In order to reestablish the image of American culture with citizens functioning at their full potential to be “Man Thinkers” and not “mere-thinkers.” (para. 6-7). It is obvious that Emerson disapproves of scholars that pattern themselves after past great thinkers, but I disagree. Emerson says himself that when the mind grows dull (ceases to create), then consult books. By this, creativity is initiated by tending to another thought. Take Plato for instance. He was a Greek philosopher who produced great contributions in politics. Thus, to understand how to handle today may require a refresher of old literature. There’s an old saying that like nature, history repeats itself. I contrast to Emerson’s concern for the influx of influences of past authorities, he pays tribute to Swedenborg, Goethe, and Carlyle, all of whom are academic giants not only by influence but by guiding the minds of more recent thinkers (para. 42). Emerson makes his argument for man to return to his original state of being creative and it can be done if it is attempted in retrospect to the contributions made by early

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