
Emma Donoghue Quotes

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One of the few times in this novel that hands are ever noted as being covered by something is at August’s fathers funeral. Interestingly this quote is placed in the beginning of the novel at present day in the narrator's perspective when she and her brother are attending their fathers funeral later in life. Fascinating it is for the author to include that August hand was “In the silver light of morning, my brother reached for and found my gloved hand” (pg 4) The language in this quote emphasizes the importance due to phrases like reached out and found her hand. I chose to draw attention to this line because closely reading and analyzing this novel you see almost no other instances of characters searching for a hand to grab, whether this be August or her friends Gigi, Sylvia or Angela their hands …show more content…

This detail is small, but closely included to show how the emotions August conveys through hands such as connection and openness are directly reversed with the application of a black glove to cover her hand from the outside world and made her brother search to find her hand to grasp it. This notion that objects mean something is not just devout to once coming of age novel with one specific character, in the novel Room by Emma Donoghue our main character Jack is a five-year-old boy who has been trapped in a 11x11 shed for his entire life. His mother captured at the age of 19 by a sexual predator, Jack uses these objects in Room to ground emotions and feelings that are well advanced beyond his cognitive level for a five-year-old boy. In the novel, Jack’s Ma breaks one of her

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