
Emma Mildon Biography

Decent Essays

While searching the New Age section of my bookstore, the little feminine fairy in me “eek’d” in delight to see a bright pink and purple book among the darker ones. Its title? “The Soul Searcher’s Handbook: The Modern Girl’s Guide to the New Age World” by Emma Mildon. Intrigued, I flipped through a few pages (also pink and purple) and took it home immediately. How could I not, with the words “Soul,” “Modern Girl,” and “New Age” on the title?
My initial infatuation with this book didn’t let me down. As I started reading the pages, the author’s quirky personality really shone through. Emma Mildon comes across as witty, funny, down-to-earth, and quite knowledgeable. She did write this book after traveling the world searching for her own …show more content…

Emma introduces us to everything from yoga to chakra healing, crystals to meditation, and numerology to Feng Shui. Her section on essential oils inspired me to buy some and start experimenting. So be aware that this girl will motivate you to try new things or go back to old practices you may have set aside along your path.
Reading this book felt like dipping my tippy toes in different pools of new age and spiritual practices. The Soul Searcher’s Handbook is great for those who find the overabundance of holistic, spiritual, and natural practices out there overwhelming—it introduces you to quite a few without feeling like a tsunami of new age is going to drown you. Included are quizzes that will give you insight on your own flavor of spirituality. That way, you can continue your studies on what you find relevant to your own practice, without wasting time and money on what you find sort of “meh.”
Feminine, lighthearted, and packed with information, I highly recommend you check out this book if you are looking for an introduction on several topics without overwhelm. And don’t let the word “girl” on the title scare you off if you’re a man—although the book is quite feminine, the information is truly relevant to both men and

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