
Emmett Till Research Paper

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The Story of Emmett Till

“We may have different religions, different languages, different colored skin but we all belong to one human race. We all share the same basic values.” saying by Kofi Annan. In 1954, to 1968 the Civil Rights Movement was going on. During those forteen years, inspirational men and women rose up for equality among all men and women of any race no matter the color or gender. However in the years before this movement, those with colored skin were accused of things they didn’t do, and were called guilty or killed with no reasonable explanation. The Civil Rights movement perhaps wouldn’t have happened were it not for one death, which was most likely the most important death to happen at that time. Emmett Till’s death sparked …show more content…

No one is sure what happened exactly, with the Carolyn Bryant, the cashier, and Emmett Till but she accused Emmett of allegedly making advances toward her..
Her husband Roy Bryant heard about this incident a few days later. Angered he and his half brother J.W Milam, went after Emmett. They took Emmett out of his great uncle’s house, took him somewhere else and tortured him. Roy and Milam did many atrocities to Emmett. Savagely beating him, gouging one eye and finally shooting him in the head. They put a barbed wire attached to a cotton gin and wrapped it around Emmett’s throat and threw him into the Tallahatchie River. Yet this still was not the end for Emmett’s story.
After three days, Emmett’s body was found by a couple of fishmen. His body was badly mutilated and bloated and the only way he was recognized was by the ring with his father’s initials L. T. The authorities took Roy and Milam to a courthouse to be tried for kidnapping and murder. The entire trial lasted only a few hours in which the jury’s verdict was not guilty. This didn’t mean no one realized that Roy and Milam were truly

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