
Emotional Behavior: Case Study

Satisfactory Essays

QP engaged Robert in participating in a CBT activity geared towards examining emotion of anger. QP explained to Robert that the activity will explore emotions of anger, and how to cope with it. QP asked Robert to list some things that has cause him to feel angry. QP asked Robert to draw face showing how angry he got recently, and describe what happened. QP examined with Robert the consequences associate the way in which he responds to anger situations. QP assisted Robert in identifying some of his automatic negative thoughts that leads to anger. QP asked Robert to list some things he say and dose when he is angry. QP brainstormed with Robert some things he can do to calm himself down when he is upset. QP asked Robert to list some things the …show more content…

QP brainstormed with Robert the thing he can say the next time he get angry or upset. QP examined with Robert some things better he could have do or do when he gets angry or upset. QP provided Robert with a worksheet of thing he can do to calm him self-down when he is angry in which he had to circle the one that he can do. QP reviewed with Robert some anger management skills and strategies he can use the next time he get angry. QP provided Robert with emotions of anger worksheet I which he had to identify the faces that show s anger. QP asked Robert to list some behavior of anger. QP discussed with Robert the anger rules. QP provided Robert with a worksheet in which he had to circle the pictures that were violating the anger rules. QP assisted Robert in developing his vocabulary in describing his anger feelings. QP explored with Robert cues and symptoms of anger feelings. QP brainstormed with Robert his triggers of anger. QP developed with Robert a short-term action plan for dealing with his anger. QP discussed with Robert harmful coping behaviors to deal with anger. QP address with Robert issues underlying his angry feelings. QP discussed with Robert, how to let go of anger

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