
Emotional Labor

Decent Essays

Emotional labor (also known as emotion work) is a requirement of a job that employees display required emotions toward customers or others. Jobs such as flight attendants, nurses, doctors, teachers and social workers are roles that involve emotional labor (Hochschild, 1983). Sociologist Arlie Hochschild defines emotional labor as a form of emotional regulation that creates a publicly visible facial and bodily display within the workplace (Hoschild, 2012). The related term, emotion management, is understood as the art of trying to change in degree or quality an emotion or feeling. It can be defined as the management of one's own feelings or as work done in a conscious effort to maintain the well being of a relationship (Ferraro, 1993). …show more content…

Actions such as deep breathing in order to quell anger or nervous twitches are examples of this (Hochschild, 1979).
Expressive emotion work refers to a person's attempts to change expressive gestures to change inner feelings (Hochschild, 1979). For example, the individual may laugh in order to feel jubilant or smile to feel happy (Hochschild, 1979). “One becomes aware of emotion work most often when one’s feelings do not fit the situation. For instance, when one does not feel sad at a funeral, one becomes acutely aware of the feelings appropriate for that situation (Hochschild, 1979).”
While emotion work is also done in the private life, emotional labor is a huge expectation within the workplace. Emotion management by employers creates a situation in which this emotion management can be exchanged in the marketplace. According to Hochschild, jobs involving emotional labor are defined as those that; require face-to-face (or voice) contact with the public, require the worker to be in an emotional state with another person, or allow the employer to exercise control over the emotional states and/or activities of employees (Hochschild, 1983). Unfortunately this can lead to employees becoming estranged from their own feelings within a work setting or organization (Grandey, …show more content…

Supervisors are likely to be key definers of emotional display rules within the organization, given their direct influence on worker's high-performance expectations. Moreover, supervisors' need to suppress negative emotions on the job influence the employees' impressions of the emotional display rules (Diefendorff & Richard, 2003). Finally, dispositional state of the employee have an effect on emotional labor. This refers to the employees capability to use facial expressions, voice, gestures, and body movements to transmit emotions (Friedman, Prince, Riggio, & DiMatteo,

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