Emotional Labor is a person’s ability to accurately analysis their internal emotion, decide if it is compatible with the required response to a situation and then change their external expressions to compensate for any differences or competing discrepancies. The Free Dictionary describes this as, “...the process of managing feelings and expressions to fulfill the emotional requirements of a job” (Farlex, n.d.). Some people are better at this skill than others. A person with a high level of empathy, emotional intelligence, and maturity is able to find the correct way to look, act, and know what to say. If you want to find someone that practices emotional labor you need to only look at the following professions: emergency dispatchers, police …show more content…
Women seem to express a higher level of caring, concern (love of people), honesty, loyalty, and conscientiousness than men (Battistina Costantino, 2016). Women may come across these traits naturally, or maybe it is something that was taught to them when they were young. A woman may have developed the skill while learning how to fulfill her adult roles as the family caregiver, diplomat, and household manager/coordinator. When she entered the work force this skill would have already been sharpened, ingrained in her demeanor (Battistina Costantino, 2016). There is an opinion that professions that need a high level of emotional labor are filled by women and that these professions are typically lower paying, contributing to the idea that women get paid less than men. I believe if this skill can be taught to women, then a man can be taught if he hasn’t already developed the skill. All I need to do is look at professions usually populated by men, such as police and firefighters to know they have it. These men hold back all their natural instinct and common sense to run away from danger instead of running to it. They run to the scene to take control; to save lives, stop the criminal or fight the fire. Also, as more women work in professions prominently dominated by men, such as police officers, firefighters, doctors, judges, and politicians, so do men work in more dominated fields by women, such
Men can do things that need a lot of handy dangerous work such as building houses, establishing electricity, and lifting furniture. A small part of women can do the things that men can, but not everyone. In an article “Why Men Still Get More Promotions Than Women”, the writer named Herminia Ibarra said that “Our interviews and surveys alike suggest that high-potential women are over mentored and under sponsored on their male peers—and that they are not advancing in their organizations. Furthermore, without sponsorship, women not only are less likely than men to be appointed to top roles but may also be more reluctant to go for them.” If we’re so different from each other, why is it that women must be good at everything when men don’t. I believe that’s why intelligence is dependent on people’s
Men were the only people for many years to have jobs to maintain the family. I believe because women were so late in gaining equal rights they, till this day they are underpaid. It is unfair that both sexes can have the same qualifications and job and yet women still fall short in salary pay. Even when it comes to promotions bosses tend to choose men because it gives their company a better imagine, a more “manly” image. A man in front of a company is said to show more strength and business knowledge rather than a women. People tend to be somewhat skeptical of what a women is capable of handling in their jobs as well as in a everyday life situation. Women aren’t as involved in meetings are given any challenging tasks because women are seen as incapable to handle it. During the hiring process there tends an abundance of discrimination. Women are typically chosen for women-based jobs like cleaning or nursing. Men are typically chosen for manly jobs like business and construction. Women able to to the same jobs so it’s not like they don’t try, they just aren’t very likely in getting the job. When it comes to the hiring process sexism tends to be programmed into people 's brains.
Researchers have proposed a variety of explanations for systematic gender inequality in the workplace. Cultural benefits, the actions of male employees, the actions of the female employees, and the actions of the employer can contribute to intentional or unintentional gender discrimination (Ngo, Foley, Wong, & Loi, 2003). It has also been mentioned that women make less money because their work environment is generally safer than the stereotypical male work environment; childcare, cashiers, and secretary positions as opposed to firefighters, truck drivers and construction workers (Parcheta, Kaifi, & Khanfar, 2013). Perhaps the most dominant reasoning for women receiving less pay is the carrying over of biological roles into the workplace. Female employees often take time off to have a family, take care of a family, and are the primary caregiver of said family.
Society plays a role in disrespecting women in the work field, between men and women, men usually have a higher chance of getting the promotion and/or being able to run a business. “Findings revealed that husbands’ conservative attitude towards their wives, sex preference in education, women’s limited movement, violence perpetrated by husbands and employer, gender stereotyped roles of women hindered women’s active labor force participation” (Sarkar). As for strength, men are always looked up to as the stronger being, and women are looked down upon. Some men believe women are not strong enough therefore they will not be able to be as hard a worker as a
Women today are often seen as fragile and unable to do the work of a man. Jobs such as being a firefighter, being a police officer, serving in the military, and much more, are seen as jobs for men. Although women occupy positions in these professions they are not taken as seriously as men. They are not given the same opportunities as men in the workforce and are often judged by appearance and skin color.
Often in the social work field, a clinical will hear the term emotional intelligence and the five domains associated with it, which are relationships, tolerance, flexibility, self-management, and emotional awareness. There are many different definitions of emotional intelligence, but it has been described as the ability to motivate oneself and continue in the face of frustrations; to manage impulse and delay gratification; to regulate ones moods and keep distress from overtaking the ability to think; to empathize and to hope (Morrison, 2007). Regarding the social work field, emotional intelligence is something that all clinicians need to be aware of and how it applies. A clinician needs to be able to listen and build empathy when working with others, understand non-verbal communication and its effects, and have self-awareness of how working with others can affect the clinician emotionally (Morrison, 2007). It is crucial to be able to monitor your own feelings and emotions as well as being able to monitor your client’s feelings and emotions.
Humans tend to be very social creatures, but women are statistically more social and have a more empathetic nature than males do. This is do to their nurturing and motherly nature. It is part of their DNA. Because of this, women are more likely to pick jobs that involve the care or nourishment of others, or involve more social contact. Hence working for jobs such as teaching, nursing or social work.
In society “when a man offers to help, we shower him with praise and rewards. But when a woman helps, we feel less indebted” usually due to societal view of women as “mothers” (Grant np). Not all women are mothers or want to be treated that way. Their work is just as much of an energy use, help, and debt in some cases. Even highly educated women are discriminated against. “At every level of academic achievement, women’s median earnings are less than men’s earnings, and in some cases, the gender pay gap is larger at higher levels of education (“Simple np). The work of a woman is devalued, and wrongly accounted for. All help at work needs to be accounted for, “Most organizations regularly assess individual accomplishments. Why not track acts of helping as well? assigning communal tasks evenly rather than relying on volunteers can also ensure that support is shared, noticed, and valued” (Grant np). Although it may not be assigned work, any work in the workplace should be accounted for. “For example, the expectation that women more than men bear the responsibility to raise children gently nudges thousands of highly educated women out of full-time work” (Thompson np). Women are devalued due to the past values of the patriarchy. Often men are seen as head of families and providers, while that is completely incorrect. Women’s work is just as valuable
Being a female in a male-dominate occupation is not an easy task (Flanagan, 2009). Many women are seen as fragile or less likely to get the job done. Women are also seen as having no business within a male-dominated profession. Much of the stereotypes are caused by: women having small frames and seen as not being able to effectively defend herself if attacked by criminals. Men also think that women could be easily coerced (Nicholas, 2012). Many men also believe that women are too emotional in which may lead to
During my time at the soup kitchen, I had to utilize emotion management when dealing with people and situations in which it would have been inappropriate for me to react in the way that I would otherwise have wanted to. Emotion management is the act of obeying “feeling rules” and responding appropriately to situations (Brym and Lie 2012:77). For example, when a homeless man came into the soup kitchen and started to dance and shout instead of calmly sitting down and eating his meal, I courteously asked him to sit down and to try not to disturb the other guests of the establishment. Regardless of any initial emotions of fear, annoyance, or confusion, I had to respond appropriately to the situation by controlling my emotions and engaging in acceptable behavior. I especially had to utilize emotion labor, which is distinguished
For example according to Rachels and Rachels, women score higher on empathy test, don’t enjoy seeing people treated unfairly, and care more about close personal relationship, which are all great attributes to have and will work well in a job like healthcare. But overall I think that not having those traits are better suited in the workforce because even in healthcare there are decisions that have to be made that require an unfair and cruel coarse of actions. Women were designed with more empathy, less tolerance for punishment, and close relationships for a reason and I think that reason was to have kids and stay at home to raise
While labor can and is often seen as work that is done physically, it is also seen as an act which necessitates using mind and soul. Depending on the area in which an individual works, it can lean towards using all three – body, mind, and soul – to be successful. It is at this point that Emotional Labor (Hochschild, 1983) begins to take its place in the work environment. Emotional Labor is using self to perform work where an employee creates a pleasant atmosphere by giving good customer service. The ability to use self as a means to perform better on the job may have larger implications than we know of. This paper will look at different ideas which contribute to Emotional Labor as a workplace construct and the effects it has on the
Men and women are impacted by gender expectations when they look for a job. As children, we are told that we can be anything. Sadly, this is a lie. For example, men get ridiculed for wanting to be an elementary school teacher. People question why they want this. For many, the role of an elementary school teacher is better suited for a woman. They question if he has any bad intentions. Does he want to help students, or does he really have some other agenda? This is a tragedy because children often imitate behaviors they see. Male elementary school teachers are positive role models for young boys. They help young boys to shape how they should behave. Not only do boys benefit from male teachers, but girls do as well. We live in a world that is so diverse. It is important for young, impressionable children to witness this first hand. Gender expectations in employment also affect women. For instance, women are often discouraged from pursuing a career as a firefighter. Many people consider this job to be better suited for males. They believe that women just aren’t strong enough. During World
A study on the implicit and explicit occupational gender types, Sex Roles, “Occupational gender stereotypes are activated when men and women are considered to be more suited for certain occupations based on stereotyped characteristics and temperaments” (White and White 2006). Matheus represented the following examples, “a stereotypically feminine job would be associated with attributes such as nurturing, caring, and being sensitive to the needs of others and a stereotypically masculine job would be associated with attributes such as decisiveness, coldness and toughness” (Matheus 2010). Nowadays, women are usually seen in the workforce as secretaries and nurses. Meanwhile, most doctors and construction laborers are men. In addition, Anker points out that “Occupational segregation by gender is prevalent in most if not all countries” (Anker 1998). “Women and men work in different fields and within fields at different levels” (Anker 1998). Diekman and Wilde explained that “men’s concentration in leadership and other high power roles led to the assumption that men have “agentic characteristics” such self-assertion and dominance and women’s concentration in subordinate and caretaking roles lead to the assumption that they have “communal characteristics” such as being kind and supportive (Diekman and Wilde 2005).
Today women with their smartness, grace and elegance have conquered the whole world. They with their hard work and sincerity have excelled in each and every profession. Women are considered to be more honest, meticulous, and efficient and hence more and more companies prefer hiring women for better performance and result.