
Emotions In Pixar's Film 'Inside Out'

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Pixar’s “Inside Out” is an animated movie about how emotions work inside the mind of an 11-year-old girl named Riley as she transitions through a move from Minnesota to San Francisco. The movie displays how five emotions Anger, Disgust, Fear, Sadness and Joy struggle to manage memories and ideas, and help Riley deal with life. The emotions are personified characters and are color coded to ensure it’s younger audience will understand. For example, Joy is yellow, Sadness is blue, Fear is purple, Disgust is purple and Anger is red.

The Emotions are all assigned to Headquarters, the place in Riley’s brain her thoughts and feelings are originated. Within Headquarters are brightly glowing orbs, that are color-coded fitting the Emotion which was …show more content…

This is shown when Sadness adds blue hues to the originally yellow hued images of Riley’s memories of her life in Minnesota. This shows that our current emotions often shape what we remember of the past. Sadness serves several functions in the film, but most importantly, it allows Riley to recognize that the changes she is going through have created loss.

One might be inclined to think of sadness as a state of inaction, but in “Inside Out,” as in real life, sadness and anger prompts people to comfort and help. We see this in Riley’s first angry outburst at the dinner table that leads to Riley to be sent to her room. She storms upstairs to lie alone in a dark room, and this act of defiance leaves her dad to wondering what to do.

Emotions guide our perceptions of the world, our memories of the past and even our moral judgments of right and wrong, most typically in ways that enable effective responses to the current situation. For example, studies find that when we are angry we are more attuned to what is unfair, which helps arouse actions that seek to remedy injustice. Another example is fear, which helps to helps keep people safe from

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