Pixar’s “Inside Out” is an animated movie about how emotions work inside the mind of an 11-year-old girl named Riley as she transitions through a move from Minnesota to San Francisco. The movie displays how five emotions Anger, Disgust, Fear, Sadness and Joy struggle to manage memories and ideas, and help Riley deal with life. The emotions are personified characters and are color coded to ensure it’s younger audience will understand. For example, Joy is yellow, Sadness is blue, Fear is purple, Disgust is purple and Anger is red.
The Emotions are all assigned to Headquarters, the place in Riley’s brain her thoughts and feelings are originated. Within Headquarters are brightly glowing orbs, that are color-coded fitting the Emotion which was
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This is shown when Sadness adds blue hues to the originally yellow hued images of Riley’s memories of her life in Minnesota. This shows that our current emotions often shape what we remember of the past. Sadness serves several functions in the film, but most importantly, it allows Riley to recognize that the changes she is going through have created loss.
One might be inclined to think of sadness as a state of inaction, but in “Inside Out,” as in real life, sadness and anger prompts people to comfort and help. We see this in Riley’s first angry outburst at the dinner table that leads to Riley to be sent to her room. She storms upstairs to lie alone in a dark room, and this act of defiance leaves her dad to wondering what to do.
Emotions guide our perceptions of the world, our memories of the past and even our moral judgments of right and wrong, most typically in ways that enable effective responses to the current situation. For example, studies find that when we are angry we are more attuned to what is unfair, which helps arouse actions that seek to remedy injustice. Another example is fear, which helps to helps keep people safe from
In chapter four of Looking Out/Looking In the author talked about the different aspects of emotions, such as, what emotions are, influences on emotions, how to express emotions, and how to manage difficult emotions.
Jennifer S. Lerner, author of Emotion and Decision Making, talks about how our emotions can actively affect our actions. In Lerner’s book, it states, “We start with emotions arising from the judgement or a choice at hand, a type of emotion that strongly and routinely shapes decision making.” Our emotions cause us to make certain decisions in our everyday lives. For example a person who is feeling nervous and anxious about a specific outcome of a risky situation may choose a more safe route. A person who admires an organization may donate money. In both cases, our the way we feel about something or someone determines how we address a situation and how we treat someone or something. In some way our emotions act as our conscience in each situation we go through that requires us to choose an outcome .
Emotions are used in everyday life, whether it be just a simple smile that makes happiness disperse in your brain, or a death of a loved one that causes sadness. The basic emotions are joy, interest, surprise, sadness, anger, disgust, contempt, fear, shame, and guilt. The way we see emotion in ourselves and others can be very complex because we sometimes assume they feel a certain way just based on their actions or even facial expressions. When emotion is discussed in psychological terms, it is not based on one thing, instead it’s a mix of bodily arousal, expressive behaviors, conscious experience. Many theories try to explain how emotion works.
The term 'executive pay' has acquired bad connotations over the past decade or so and the recent Occupy Wall Street movement brought this issue back into public consciousness on a worldwide scale (Minder, 2013). In Switzerland, the parliament recently passed legislation that would limit executive compensation excesses under threat of fines and imprisonment and the European Parliament agreed to limit banker bonuses to twice their base salaries. Adding fuel to this fire was last month's announcement that the golden parachute for departing Novartis Chairman Daniel Vasella would include a $78 million dollar severance payment.
In “Christabel,” Samuel Taylor Coleridge addresses the issues of human nature and morality by portraying Christabel and Geraldine as both good and evil while at the same time never allowing one’s morals to outweigh or appear superior to the others. At first glance, it appears to the reader that Christabel is the picture of piety and that Geraldine is an evil, beautiful witch. However, upon further examination, the reader can see that neither Christabel nor Geraldine are purely good or evil and that there are traces of both in each character. By using similar language when building their characters, Coleridge attempts to force the reader to understand the similarities that exist between Geraldine and
“Anthropomorphism is describing a non-human entity and attributing it with human traits.” (Nadine). Inside Out’s main character, Riley relied on a council of five personified emotions that resided in her mind to be the administrators of keeping her emotions and her actions balanced and in order. Additionally, In Stormrage many of the characters in particular Tyrande and Broll are induced into elusive nightmares and dreams sent by Malfurion Stormrage that assist in hinting towards the location of Malfuron who is trapped in the Emerald Nightmare at the mercy of the nightmare lord
Emotions are like tools that let you know where you are in life and if you need to make changes. In “Brave New World”, emotions are eliminated so that their society can enter a chain of dehumanization in order to control their society. With the World States decision to eliminate emotions from humanity has made their society worse. Emotions are the most basic and important characteristics that make up a human being. Though they could be positive or either negative, they can cause you to take important or necessary actions in your life.
Our parents raise us hoping for us to develop certain character traits, but there comes to a point when we start to become our own person based on the experiences we go through, any situation, good or bad, can influence our personality mentally and emotionally. Emotion is what makes us human, it's how we cope and how we manage our crazy lives’. When our feelings get damaged or even nourished, it will change how we react
What are emotions? Emotions are a natural instinctive state of mind deriving from one’s circumstances, or mood that would trigger an emotion. In the science fiction novel, The Giver written by Louis Lowry, a character named Jonas, lives in the community where feelings that average people have nowadays are not show At the ceremony of twelve you are assigned your job that you will pursue for the rest of your life. The job that you are assigned you did ot get to chose indicating that the society might make the wrong decision. In the novel Jonas left the community to bring back everybody’s memories before the society changed at that decision resulted in a positive way because the government does not control what the people think anymore, Jonas becoming a hero giving back all the memories and the emotions so the people can feel, finally all the people can know how life was like before the society was created, and the history behind this utopia.
Pixar’s Inside Out is an interesting take on how our emotions work as well as how our brains operate. The story starts off with a narration by Joy, voiced by Amy Poehler, explaining how her job works, and how she and the other emotions came to be inside the mind of young Riley Anderson. The emotions watch and guide Riley by influencing how she reacts to different daily situations. The only thing the emotions are not prepared for however, is an unexpected move from Minnesota to San Francisco (Inside Out). This hilarious take at how our brains work allows Inside Out to create an entertaining and engaging movie using character interaction and its deeper emotional and psychological meanings.
The film Inside Out tells the story of a young girl named Riley and her changing emotions after she is forced to move from her home town in Minnesota to San Fransico for her father’s job. The story is told from the perspective of her five emotions. Riley’s emotions are led by Joy, who attempts to guide her through the stressful event. Although Joy puts forth great effort, Sadness takes over. When trying to protect Riley’s core memories from Sadness, Joy is swept from headquarters through the dump tube and Sadness follows. With Joy and Sadness gone, Anger, Fear, and Disgust are the only emotions left in headquarters; therefore, Riley cannot be happy or sad. Because Joy and Sadness are absent, Riley’s personality islands diminish one by one. Riley fights with her family, pushes away from her friends back home, and loses interest in hockey. As Joy and Sadness navigate through Riley’s brain in search of a way back to headquarters, they encounter many obsticles. Back in headquarters, Anger, Fear, and Disgust place the idea of running away into Riley’s head. Joy witnesses the transformation of a sad memory into a happy memory, and finally realizes the importance of all emotions, including Sadness. With the help of Bing Bong, Riley’s imaginary friend, Joy and Sadness find their way back to headquarters and are able to stop Riley from running away. An update in headquarters takes place, and more personality islands develop. Joy learns to accept the
In addition, dealing with emotions allows people to feel the emotions as they arise within each person. When a person feels angry, they should allow themselves to feel that anger, and vent it out in some form or the other, without causing any harm to others. Unlike Lady Macbeth starts to feeling angry, nervous, scared, and freaks out when she thinks and imagines the blood on her hands. She states, “O, proper stuff! This is the very painting of your fear. This is the air-drawn dagger which you said Led you to Duncan. O, these flaws and starts,
At the beginning of the film, Riley and her parents live in Minnesota, where she has friends, enjoys her school, is a valued member of an ice hockey team, and has an all-around happy life. The movie’s introduction depicts a typical day of Riley’s life in Minnesota, during which all five of the emotion characters properly fulfill their functions and leave Riley in a normal state. Joy provides happiness for the young girl. Sadness provides Riley moments of comfort from her parents and emotional bonding between Riley and her parents. Fear keeps her from hurting herself by prompting a cautionary response. Likewise, Disgust and Anger fulfill their intended, beneficial roles, thereby fulfilling their manifest functions. At the end of the day, Joy congratulates her counterparts, telling them, “Nice job, everybody. Another perfect day.”
Researchers have created new strains of the influenza virus that wiped out 10’s of millions of people back in 1918. This was done so researchers could better understand how the virus mutates. Research was suspended up to 2012 due to concerns of accidental release and threat of terrorist turning the virus into a biological weapon. The research has also shown that the virus can easily mutate into a new strain that can cause another pandemic. This source shows that even the research of virus brings alarm to accidental release and potential for usage as biological weapon.
Had I watched this Inside Out at different points over the semester, I would have been able to find different flaws each time. This movie is supposed to be about Riley, but it turns out to be centered around the journey that Joy and Sadness must take in order to return to headquarters, more specifically, it validates sadness as an emotion. Sadness spent her first eleven years with Riley being told to stay back and not to screw anything up, in reality, sadness is often frowned upon, because for some people, they are the opposite of Riley’s character. This movie shows that the happiest of children can go through life changing struggles and embrace their other emotions. You cannot appreciate being happy unless you have known being sad, this movie brings attention to the necessity of a balance in life.