
Empathy Quotes In To Kill A Mockingbird

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When individuals have empathy for one another, people are able to see what another person is going through. In the novel, To Kill A Mockingbird, the characters develop over time. They learn empathy from others, use empathy to keep them from having prejudices, they mature and grow up, and the lesson of empathy allows them to understand others. In To Kill A Mockingbird, the characters are Jem, Scout, Dill, Atticus, Calpurnia, Aunt Alexandra, Tom Robinson, Mayella Ewell, Bob Ewell, and Boo Radley, formally known as Arthur, who are citizens in Maycomb. Jem and Scout started to find gifts in a tree on the Radley property walking home from school one day, and gifts usually showed up everyday after. The kids pick on Boo Radley to come out of his house …show more content…

Towards the middle of the book, there is a trial with Tom Robinson and Mayella Ewell where Tom pleads guilty for doing something he did not do. Tom tried to escape from prison, but got shot 17 times because he did not agree with what he was getting punished for. At the end of the book, Boo Radley comes out to help the kids because Bob Ewell attacked the children. Boo always kept an eye out for the kids because he came and brought the kids home as safe as he could after the attack. Scout had the moment she had been waiting for to talk to Boo and she figured out why he likes staying inside. In To Kill A Mockingbird, and in the article, “Raisman says she was threatened, ignored over abuse claims”, shows how Raisman and Tom Robinson were abused and threatened for something they did not do when other people hurt them. Tom and Raisman both tried to stand up for what happened but got ignored trying to share their side. They tried fighting for what actually happened, but nothing happened for awhile. For example, people knew Tom would never hurt Mayella and he had people on his side defending him but was still found …show more content…

People may misjudge them and receive a bad reputation. For example, the article, “Raisman says she was threatened, ignored over abuse claims”, shows how she and Tom Robinson were both threatened standing up for what happened. They both went to court to tell their side of the story and prove what they are saying is right. “When Olympic gold medalist Aly Raisman reported her abuse at the hands of Larry Nassar, she thought USA gymnastics officials and the FBI would help. Instead, she said she was discouraged from speaking out and even threatened”(Tapper and Berryman). This quote connects to the novel because Tom Robinson went to court to prove he did not hurt Mayella. Mayella hurt him, and no one would believe him. Tom went to Mayella to help her with projects around the house because he felt bad for her. One day he was helping her and Mayella grabbed Tom making Tom run away from her. Both Tom and Aly Raisman were trying to hide what had happened because they did not want to go to court and tell what happened. They both opened up and told the truth about what happened to them. Tom had empathy for Mayella and was mature to help her because he knew her home life was bad and was trying to help Mayella get her chores done. This answers the essential question how does literature help us understand our world because there are many people who are trying to help one another and

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