When individuals have empathy for one another, people are able to see what another person is going through. In the novel, To Kill A Mockingbird, the characters develop over time. They learn empathy from others, use empathy to keep them from having prejudices, they mature and grow up, and the lesson of empathy allows them to understand others. In To Kill A Mockingbird, the characters are Jem, Scout, Dill, Atticus, Calpurnia, Aunt Alexandra, Tom Robinson, Mayella Ewell, Bob Ewell, and Boo Radley, formally known as Arthur, who are citizens in Maycomb. Jem and Scout started to find gifts in a tree on the Radley property walking home from school one day, and gifts usually showed up everyday after. The kids pick on Boo Radley to come out of his house …show more content…
Towards the middle of the book, there is a trial with Tom Robinson and Mayella Ewell where Tom pleads guilty for doing something he did not do. Tom tried to escape from prison, but got shot 17 times because he did not agree with what he was getting punished for. At the end of the book, Boo Radley comes out to help the kids because Bob Ewell attacked the children. Boo always kept an eye out for the kids because he came and brought the kids home as safe as he could after the attack. Scout had the moment she had been waiting for to talk to Boo and she figured out why he likes staying inside. In To Kill A Mockingbird, and in the article, “Raisman says she was threatened, ignored over abuse claims”, shows how Raisman and Tom Robinson were abused and threatened for something they did not do when other people hurt them. Tom and Raisman both tried to stand up for what happened but got ignored trying to share their side. They tried fighting for what actually happened, but nothing happened for awhile. For example, people knew Tom would never hurt Mayella and he had people on his side defending him but was still found …show more content…
People may misjudge them and receive a bad reputation. For example, the article, “Raisman says she was threatened, ignored over abuse claims”, shows how she and Tom Robinson were both threatened standing up for what happened. They both went to court to tell their side of the story and prove what they are saying is right. “When Olympic gold medalist Aly Raisman reported her abuse at the hands of Larry Nassar, she thought USA gymnastics officials and the FBI would help. Instead, she said she was discouraged from speaking out and even threatened”(Tapper and Berryman). This quote connects to the novel because Tom Robinson went to court to prove he did not hurt Mayella. Mayella hurt him, and no one would believe him. Tom went to Mayella to help her with projects around the house because he felt bad for her. One day he was helping her and Mayella grabbed Tom making Tom run away from her. Both Tom and Aly Raisman were trying to hide what had happened because they did not want to go to court and tell what happened. They both opened up and told the truth about what happened to them. Tom had empathy for Mayella and was mature to help her because he knew her home life was bad and was trying to help Mayella get her chores done. This answers the essential question how does literature help us understand our world because there are many people who are trying to help one another and
1) Atticus is an empathetic person who tries to make sure people are treated equally, and in the case of his children, that people should grow up and make a positive difference. Atticus shows his empathy by telling Scout to try to understand what Miss Caroline is going through. Harper Lee is trying to show that with empathy, everyone benefits, and there would be less hate and injustice. Atticus says, “You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view… until you climb into his skin and walk around in it.” (Lee 39). Atticus is telling Scout to look at the world through Miss Caroline’s eyes, to see why Miss Caroline reacts the way that she does. Atticus believes that if Scout can see how scared Miss Caroline is, with teaching a new school in a new way, then Scout can understand what makes Miss Caroline act the way that she does. When Scout asks Atticus why he is angering the town by defending Tom Robinson, he says that he must, or else he would no longer be reputable. Atticus says, “Simply because we were licked a hundred years before we started is no reason for us not to try to win.” (Lee 101) Atticus leads by example, and that if he did not hold himself to the same standard that he wants Scout and Jem to be at, then he is no better than the rest of the town. He knows that he is going to lose, but wants to show his children that it is important to do the right thing no matter the consequences or result, and
Although a character might be fictitious, their emotions and actions reflect a very thoughtful meaning to us. An important factor to relate to a character is making his or her actions visible yet not stated. Atticus proposes and implements the idea of Empathy through his words and actions. He makes it notable through Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird book. It is always important to make the reader feel connected to what a character says. Empathy is a very well stated emotion in the book.
To NOT Kill A Mockingbird: An Essay on Empathy Empathy is defined in the Oxford dictionary as the ‘capacity to identify with a person or object.’ In the book To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, many characters, such as Miss Maudie, Tom Robinson and Charles Baker Harris (Dill), demonstrate empathy to characters such as Mayella Ewell and Arthur “Boo” Radley. The first character, Miss Maudie, demonstrates empathy to Arthur (Boo) Radley when Scout asks her about him. She tells Scout that his name is Arthur not Boo and tries to explain why he doesn't ever go outside. “Arthur Radley just stays in his house, that's all...
A brother and sister, Jem and Scout Finch, going through life with a single dad at age 50, Atticus Finch, in the 1930s. Their dad was a lawyer and he faced his toughest challenge and almost lost his kids when he defended a black man, Tom Robinson, accused of raping a young 19 year old white girl, Mayella Ewell. Her father came lashing out and tried to kill Atticus’s kids, but he didn’t think to remember the urban legend Arthur Radley, or Boo for short. The people who deserve more empathy than most are Boo Radley, Helen Robinson, Tom Robinson’s wife, and Jem Finch. Mr. Arthur Radley is the one who should get the most empathy.
One major theme in To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee is that empathy can change how one reacts to his surroundings. In chapter three, protagonist Scout has a bad day at school. She asks Atticus, her father, to homeschool her after she has disagreements with both Burris Ewells and Walter Cunningham. However, Atticus tells her that “You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view-until you climb into his skin and walk around in it” (39). Atticus says this to Scout so she can reevaluate the situation and have a more realistic view, however, what he said can be applied to everyday life. To understand the feelings of another is to see the world through their eyes. Only through this can true connection be developed. Empathy creates bonds and friendships between individuals, and when Atticus says
Before people make a decision do people think how that decision will impact the lives of others? This could change many of the choices that happen today. As an example of this in the book To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, which is about a little girl nicknamed Scout. Scout lives in a town called Maycomb during the 1930s, during the Great Depression.
“It’s a sin to kill a mockingbird” Everything started with a man named Simon Finch, an American fur trader, that settled a successful farm on the banks of the Alabama river. Atticus, one of Simon’s sons, left for school and then came back to Maycomb to become a successful lawyer and raise Jem and Scout. The community they live in, Maycomb County, is full of prejudice and racism but also with empathy. Everyone who lives there like Atticus, Jem, Scout, Dill, Boo Radley, The two poor families, Miss Caroline, Miss Maudie, Mrs. Dubose, the list can go on, took a big part in this situation because they all either had empathy, received empathy or where the ones that had prejudice towards other people. The author gives sufficient evidence that within this community empathy can be the solution to racism and prejudice.
Empathy… the ability to share and understand the feelings of another person. The idea of empathy helps us interact with each other better and makes people gain a deeper emotional quotient which can improve society in a soulful way. Harper Lee’s novel “To Kill A Mockingbird” suggests that empathy is an important skill that a person can develop over time but that it is hard if not impossible to have empathy when someone contains prejudice. Lee uses characters like Scout in multiple situations such as when she and Jem were judging Boo Radley without showing empathy to him, when Scout changes throughout the novel and starts to learn empathy as she forgets prejudice, and how Atticus teaches
In court, Tom said that the reason he helped Mayella Ewell was because he “felt right sorry for her, she seemed to try more’n the rest of ‘em ” (Lee, 197). Feeling sorry for Mayella became his only crime. After the trial, Miss Maudie sympathized with Jem, telling him that not everyone was against Tom; in fact, people like Judge Taylor, Heck Tate, and of course Atticus were for him. When Tom was shot, most of Maycomb didn’t care, but Mr. Underwood of The Maycomb Tribune “likened Tom’s death to the senseless slaughter of songbirds by hunters and children” (Lee, 241). He recognized that Tom was innocent and his death was undeserved. Sheriff Heck Tate showed empathy for Boo Radley after Mr. Ewell attacked the Finch children. He says, “To my way of thinkin’, Mr. Finch, taking the one man who’s done you and this town a great service an’ draggin’ him with his shy ways into the limelight—to me, that’s a sin. It’s a sin and I’m not about to have it on my head” (Lee, 276). He knew Boo wouldn’t be able to cope with the stress of being the town’s celebrity, so he decided to pretend that Mr. Ewell fell on his own knife and the children got away by themselves. Several people in Maycomb cared for each other and looked at things from another’s point of view.
Empathy can be defined as making a connection to someone during a situation. In the novel, To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, empathy is a main part in some of the characters’ lives. Without empathy, the novel would lack many components that make the main characters, Jem and Scout, who they are.
For instance, the case between Tom Robinson and Mayella Ewell can be seen as a controversial one, which led many in Maycomb County to believe that Tom was guilty. Unfortunately, in chapter 21, Tom Robinson was found guilty of raping Mayella Ewell, according to the jury’s final verdict. Consequently, Robinson’s impact on the storyline of the novel can be seen as profound because the trial serves as an example of exploring two central themes in the novel: unfairness and prejudiced treatment. Tom was an innocent man, but despite all this treatment, he was never granted freedom due to the controversial circumstances of the trial that occurred. Additionally, in chapter 22, the trial leaves Scout, Jem, Atticus, and members of Maycomb County devastated.
In “ To Kill A Mockingbird” the main conflict is the Tom Robinson case. Tom Robinson was accused of beating and raping Mayella Violet Ewell. The people of Maycomb see Tom in two different ways. There is the public view of Tom and the private view of him. The public view would include the people of Maycomb who do not know Tom at a personal level, while the private view would be his family, Calpurnia, and the other African Americans in the town of Maycomb. The public see Tom as a dangerous man. For instance in the book it states “ I seen that black nigger yonder ruttin’ on my Mayella” (Lee 231)! Mayella even said that “ He got me round the neck, cussin’ me a’ sayin’ dirt- I fought and’ hollered, but he had me round the neck. He hit me agin a’ agin” (Lee 241). Both Mayella and Bob Ewell make the people in the court believe that Tom is some sort of killer or dangerous man who should be lynched. Even Scout thought that “Tom Robinson’s powerful shoulders rippled under his thin shirt” (Lee 248). Tom was very built, and that did not help his case. Before Tom even gave his testimony most people in the court and jury believed he was guilty. Furthermore, The public view of Tom Robinson also includes that he is an abusive man that takes advantage of woman. Such as when Mayella said “I got somethin’ to say a’ I ain’t say no more.
I read the book To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee. This book is from Scout Finch’s point of view. It’s about how Scout, Jem and Atticus live their life in Maycomb, Alabama. Maycomb is a small town where everyone knows everybody. Atticus raises both Jem and Scout as a single father with the help of his town neighbors. One neighbor confuses them by never coming out of his house and his name is Arthur Radley, also known as Boo. When Dill another neighbors nephew comes to Maycomb for the summer him, Scout and Jem are on a quest to get Boo out of his house. About middle way of the book Atticus starts to represent a black man named Tom Robinson, who is accused of raping and beating a white women. Suddenly, Atticus’ children have to start
Racism is one of the main messages in this book also how people around us, not only parents have a strong influence on us when we are growing up, and how rumors and misjudgements can make a person look bad. Judging people without the knowledge of facts is also a common occurrence. I think this novel has this genius aspect of capturing these particular events through a child's eyes yet also being able to keep the adult perspective alive. It makes important points about prejudice and humanity without clobbering anyone over the head with the idealism of Atticus. A quote said by Atticus on page 99 of chapter 10 says, “Remember it’s a sin to kill a mockingbird. That was the only time I ever heard Atticus say it was a sin to do something, and I asked Miss Maudie about it”(Lee,99). I feel that this quote is referring to the people that can be considered as mockingbirds hence characters such as Scout as well as other children are mockingbirds because Scout has the innocence of youth and it would be wrong to steal the innocence of children by issues concerning only to adults therefore this happens frequently in the society we live in by becoming pawns in divorce, through exposure to inappropriate media and other types of abuses. Tom Robinson gets falsely accused of a crime. He is a symbol for innocent people who are the victims of everyday prejudice hence his greatest crime was feeling sorry for a white woman that was a crime back in those racist days therefore even in today's world racism does take place . Mayella Ewell should also be considered as a mockingbird whose innocence has already been destroyed by her abusive father and had been forced to confront to the court that Tom had raped her even though it was not true. Her situation is similar in almost
To Kill a Mockingbird is a novel which deals with many themes; the most dominant of these is empathy, as it is crucial in the relationships between characters as well as in their learning experiences. The way Scout finally learns how to use empathy to see things from Boo Radley’s point of view was very moving to the reader, and the reader can