
Essay about Employee Empowerment in Flat Organizations

Decent Essays

Employee Empowerment in Flat Organizations

A flat organization is a culture of ownership and partnership, it is an organization that uses teams to increase efficiency, responsiveness and flexibility. The focus is on customer satisfaction, work is directly connected, to customer processes. Employees in a flat organization know the business, they have been delegated the power to think for the whole company.

Flat organizations are giving lower management more responsibilities; they are expected to make more decisions to integral operations. Good decision-making is a balance between getting most of what we want with as little risk as possible. It means that we use the right processes that encourage participation while keeping …show more content…

By lending structure, it facilitates the identification and resolution of problems that can arise during the course of the decision-making process. This facilitation in turn can assist in improving the group decision-making process. Group decision-making is the process of arriving at a judgment based upon the feedback of more than one individual. Group decision-making is a key component to the functioning of a Flat organization, because organizational performance involves more than just individual action. Besides having good processes for decision-making, employees need to realize that the immediate managers are the key link to communication. Managers serve the organization by creating understanding; managers are now coaches not bosses.

Managers need to develop listening skills so they can learn about their employees. Knowing their employees will help the manager?s structure, motivate and delegate their team members. The performance of the team relates directly to the performance of the manager. The performance of the employees relates to their skills and knowledge, both which can be taught. When the manager knows their employees they will know what skills and knowledge their employees possess. Knowing what the employees lack, will allow the manager to conduct training and learning programs appropriately. While the employee is gaining the knowledge he lacks, the manager can assign them jobs that will line up with their strengths.

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