
Employee Performance And Achievement Of Organisational Goals

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1 Introduction: 1.1 Background: Employee behaviours could often have an impact on organisational performance and achievement of organisational goals. In any organisation, its members could display varied behaviour where minimalists would contribute just enough to maintain affiliation while others may exhibit overt and discretionary behaviour which is beyond their stipulated job description and likely to benefit the organisation (Turnipseed and Rassuli: 2005). This latter behaviour where the employee goes the extra mile proactively engaging in such activities has been described by various nomenclatures such as Organisational Citizenship Behaviour (OCB) by Organ (1988) as cited in Organ (1997), pro-social organisational behaviour (Brief and Motowidlo: 1986), contextual performance (Borman and Motowidlo: 1993) and extra-role behaviour (Van Dyne et al: 1995). OCB has been one of the important and popular research subjects in the recent years. It emphasizes on the most preferred employee-level outcomes at workplace (Bateman and Organ 1983, Smith et al 1983, Anderson and Williams: 1996). Although the concept of OCB was proposed by Bateman and Organ in the early 1980s, the origins of this concept could be traced back to early 1960s when Katz recognized three distinct behavioural entities for the proficient functioning of an organisation. This includes induction and retention of the workforce in the organisation, employees’ performing specific dependable job roles in addition to

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