
Enaiat Quotes

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Essay Ennait discovers that te world can be a very bad plae but there are small amounts of good in it as well. Enaiat discovers how to live in this world and how to never give up when he is aced with hard times. Despite the many bad things in his journey he also faced some good moments. He has seen people die, been ied to and he has had people help him with his journey. Enaiat had experinced many bad things throughout his journey, his even had to see people be killed right in font of is eyes. At the start of the book (while he was still attending schoo) the Taliban were trying to shut his shhol down. "Ba omidi didar, boys, he said. They shot him. In front of everyone. (p.24). This is a very importat scene that Enaiat learnt from. This taught Enaiat that som people will never agree with your religion (personal beliefs), no matter what you do. This lesson can help Enaiat throughout the rest of his life, and make him not feel as bad when people dont believe in what he believes in. This is also one of the vey first lessons that Enaiat has discovered which means he …show more content…

On one of the occasions he gt told that someone would be there to act as hes interpreter, which no one showed up for him. "There'll be an Iranian lady there wh will act as your interpreter... But there wasnt any Iranian lady."(p.199) Enaiat had been lied to by the hostel for migrants. It may of only been a small lie by Enaiat had never been there before, and only being a teenager at the time it definatly would of been a very scary experince. Lying no matter how small or how big can have long term effects; which he luckly didnt get, so Enaiat getting lied to by then could og harmed his mental health. All together Enaiat getting lied to since he was a very vunrable teenager doing anything in his power to stay save had taught him that you cant always trust everything people

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