
End Of Life Choices

Decent Essays

As individuals access the end of their lives, people and their families commonly face many decisions that consist a lot of choices ranging from simple and complex issues. People that die have to make choices about family involvement in caregiving and making decisions. End of life choices have a major impact on the quality of life and dying. The end of life cost medical arrangements are challenging for ill individuals and for people who care about them. Decisions should ideally be done in terms of the relief of values and suffering and beliefs of people dying and their families. Individuals that die in the hospital endure many test and procedures that individuals who die anywhere else. Hospitals deaths are way more expensive than people who die at home, nursing homes, and hospice. Over 40 percent of patients die at home, the cost is about $4,500 for the last month of life, while 40 percent die in the hospital which can cost …show more content…

Many Americans feel that doctors do not offer at of encouragement through during their last days, weeks, or months that they have to live, which makes them feel like they should get their final arrangements in order for their families so that they can reduce the burden for their family. Having a funeral is not cheap especially for those who do not have insurance. On average you need about six thousand dollars to bury you or a loved one. When dying people get delusional and start to act in many different ways that make no sense. Dying is what some people just do not what to have to go through but we are only on the earth for over seventy years but we are not guaranteed that. Everyone should cherish life each and everyday because you never know when your last day is. We do not like to see our loved ones go but we also do not like to see them suffer from any

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