Ender’s game by Orson Scott Card is a science fiction novel that takes place in the future and involves a kid named Ender, the protagonist of the story. He is sent to battle school to defeat the buggers (the enemies) with many other kids who are put through lots of challenges. The government has picked Ender who is 6 years old and is a third child, his older siblings were not selected by the government because his sister, Valentine, is too kind and compassionate while his older brother,Peter, is ruthless and hot-tempered. Ender is both a monster and a hero because he’s half Peter and half Valentine. Ender’s passion for killing someone when he’s angered and his ruthlessness are inherited from Peter. Angered by Stilson’s continuous bullying and torturing that Ender’s not able to control himself, “So Ender walked to Stilson’s supine body and kicked him again, viciously, in the ribs” (7). Provoked, Ender can not control his anger towards Stilson, and treats him just like Peter treats him. While hitting Stilson he doesn’t think about stopping, Peter is just as cruel to Ender when hitting him that he forgets to stop and almost kills him. Physically hurting others, Ender becomes like Peter and …show more content…
He becomes so reckless he doesn’t even realize he’s hurting someone until after they are on the floor, “It took Ender by surprise he hadn’t thought to put Stilson on the ground with one kick” (7). What Ender doesn’t realize is that he doesn’t even comprehend what's going around him until he see’s the damage. Just like Peter, Ender never leaves anyone without any pain when they are angered. Filled with hatred towards Ender, Peter never leaves a chance to physically hurt Ender, he hurts him so much that Ender repeats the same anger and ruthlessness towards others.Funny thing is that even Ender knows that he has Peter in him and that in reality, he’s not really the innocent kid his sister and family thinks he
One reason why this is true is because Peter and Ender are working with two different commanders. Peter is commanding with. And Ender is commanding with Graff and soon became a commander himself. And then Ender has always been nicer than Peter especially to his sister Valentine. Ender views himself as an independent commander and doesn’t need any help from anyone else.
Ever since Ender beat up Stilson he had viewed himself as “just like” Peter. Peter is mischievous and an awful person, he hurts people and it doesn't get to him. I think Ender may hurt people, but he is not just like Peter.
In the book “Ender’s Game,” Ender’s older brother Peter is a very smart, but also sadistic child. He would always bully Ender when they were kids, and Later on in the book, Ender starts to feel like he is becoming Peter, and he does not like it. I believe that although Ender and Peter have similar traits, they are not very alike at all. Ender has a lot of compassion.
Ender is continuously bullied when he goes off to battle school because of his age and being a “third.” Peter Wiggin is a round, static, and explicit character. He is the older brother of Peter and he is considered the most violent
I believe that Ender should not compare himself to Peter because... This is because Peter says that he looks up to Hitler as his hero or that they are alike, Ender looks up to Mazer as his hero or someone that he he wants to be. Peter hurts people, harass people, and threatens people and he has no guilt about it. Ender hurts people for a reason he hurts people when he is attacked but if he does any serious damage then he will regret it and have a lot of guilt. Peter wants to hurt people Ender doesn't and if both of them hurt someone then Peter wouldn't regret it or have guilt about it if Ender did then he would have guilt
In the book Ender’s Game by Orson Scott Card, it starts with ender in school and being made fun of. After he beats up a bully, he goes home to deal with his brother Peter who also bullies him because Ender is a better specimen than Peter was. But what no one expected was that a representative from the military came to invite Ender to Battle School up in space. Ender accepted and went to live up in Battle School for years to come. At first, Ender was hated for being such a talented student at the age of six but was soon respected after he was able to beat all the other armies with just a bunch of little kids. Ender became the best soldier at Battle School and was moved up to Command School where he would learn to command
In the book Ender keeps comparing himself to his older brother Peter. The only reason Ender kept comparing himself to peter is because he hurt and killed people. Other then that Ender is not like Peter. It is true that Ender thinks he’s like Peter but it is false because Ender has a better mind then Peter. He hurts people for a good reason unlike Peter.
Ender believes that he is a brutal person and sees his actions as nothing but pure destruction. He is ashamed of his inability to control his actions and believes that deep down he wants to cause pain of that immensity; his belief convinces himself that there is no hope for him. Above all, the overwhelming guilt Ender experiences causes him to struggle with believing that he possesses his
In Ender’s Game, by Orson Scott Card, Ender Wiggin is compassionate, which enables him to connect with people, understand others, and repay his debt to the buggers. Ender is very compassionate since he understands others, even his enemies, like when he gets into fights with other people. For example, when Ender defeats the Giant in the game by scratching his eyes out, he realizes that he is “doing it again…[He’s] hurting other people again, just to save [himself]” (Card 115). The quote shows that Ender does not mean to hurt people like Stilson and Bernard. He just has to deal with them because that is what has to be done. He definitely regrets his actions and wishes that they would just leave him alone so that he would not have to hurt them. This shows
Ender and his brother Peter have a very unhealthy relationship. Peter would often attack Ender and challenge him, pushing him around like he was worthless (especially because he was a third). He would take the fighting so seriously, putting Enders life on the line. Death threats, to physical abuse, to verbal abuse, Peter did it
Ender Wiggin has lived through a tough childhood at home, and at school. Getting bullied by older boys at school, and coming home to get physically bullied by his older brother Peter. Ender has kept his monitor longer than anyone of the older boys in school. Which resulted jealousy, and anger from the older boys including his own brother Peter. However on the day when he was forced to to remove his monitor, he gets attacked by a group of jealous, and mischievous boys. “Stilson began pushing Ender with one hand; someone behind him pushed him towards Stilson.”(37) As a six year old Ender never liked violence, or hurting people. However as Stilson continued taunting, and humiliating Ender; Ender snapped and fought back. “Ender kicked out high,
“Those who dare to fail miserably can achieve greatly,” John F. Kennedy. This quote holds true throughout Ender’s Game because Ender is constantly pushed toward success by Colonel Graff. Ender overcame difficult odds when the games in the battle room were stacked heavily against him. The novel Ender’s Game is about a boy with a calling for leadership. He leaves his family behind for the greater good of humanity in the war against the Buggers. At battle school, Ender learns the basics of military strategy, also how to make friends since he was always isolated for being a third child. The book does a better job of telling the story than the movie because there is more detail and the book is not rushed.
Ender is the most innocent-looking, sweet little boy ever. But he is more correctly a genius, bad to the bone soldier that could ever be chosen for the program. As for Peter, Ender’s brother, he’s a terrifying monster… until he thinks no one’s watching. One night, after tormenting Ender, he thought the little boy was asleep. “I’m sorry,” He said. “I'm sorry, I know how it feels. I'm sorry, I'm your brother. I love you.” You really can’t judge anyone in Ender’s Game by what they do, you need to know more because they always turn around and do something completely out of their character. I also learned that your best friends are the one’s you can count on one hand. Ender trusts so few people, and he’s right to. His sister Valentine, his Launchy friends Alai and Shen, and his Salamander Army friend Petra are Ender’s trustworthy friends. Those are only two of many different lessons one can learn from Ender’s
The protagonist, Andrew “Ender” Wiggin, begins as a six-year-old boy who is always terrorized by his brother. Ender never gives up, even when it seems like everyone is trying to make him fail. He is young, however, which leaves him susceptible to bullies who detest his quick mind. Although Ender proves that he has the ability to be a killer like Peter, he hates himself for that. “And then a worse fear, that he was a killer, only better at it than Peter ever was; that it was this very trait that pleased the
The novel Ender’s Game is written by Orson Schott Card. It is about a young boy who is sent to battle school. He meets friends and makes adversaries. In battle school, out in space, Ender, the young boy is a genius and is taught many tactics to destroy their prime enemy the buggers. He excels in school and battles his way into command school before the required age. There he is told he is battling buggers in simulations or is he? Throughout the novel, Ender is manipulated, bullied, and isolated, which creates many themes and messages. In this novel Ender’s Game the main theme is life is a game. Three characters that best prove this are Ender, Peter, and Bonzo.