
Ender's Game Leadership

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Ender's Game is a novel written in 1977, earning its author Orton Scott Card, earning a Campbell Award in 1978, a Nebula Award in 1985 and Hugo Award in 1986. Ender's Game is a novel of science fiction, where the reader feels he is in a game with the story protagonist Ender, and the other characters, enjoying and living every moment.

The book talks about the story of a child who was admitted at recruitment academy with the purpose of becoming the leading man who can save the planet from a third upcoming alien invasion. Although it is a fictional and futuristic story, we can find things that happen in real life, such as leadership. Leadership is very important in a company (currently studying business administration), because it is the skill …show more content…

The Ender's Game, the Earth is threatened by an alien race, there is no type of communication between both species and confrontation is inevitable. To beat the aliens a military genius is needed and people from the Earth are making a great effort to find that person, and prepare him for that important moment.

Ender Wiggin is a six years old kid, the third in the family where the limit is to have only two children. He is chosen to be trained in a space station, after is older sister Valentine (weak character) and his brother Peter (violent, authoritarian and almost psychopathic), they were declared fit to lead. Ender is the younger brother, but he has all the desirable characteristics required of every human being. He is trained together with other young people who are distributed in various groups competing with each other, in a place where there is no gravity; they use rifles that paralyze their armor. Ender rises rapidly in the hierarchy at the space station, becoming a born leader. The ultimate …show more content…

The leader is made with experience and knowledge.

Another leadership that is handled in the academy from Peter, Ender's brother, who was able to trace its own path to try to perform his influence in the world of the adults. While Ender was chosen and positioned as a leader, Peter demonstrated his ability to become a natural leader.

In the book also it is noticeable the fact that a leader finds deficiencies and make solutions to these deficiencies. Ender finds problems in his team and then try to create alternatives to help the team win the battle. He detects problems by observing that the formations are repetitive and easy to identify and seeking autonomy within the group and that soldiers are able to operate freely, without contradicting the higher command. He also asks the group how to solve problems, incorporating them into decision-making, making his team members to feel

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