
Endodontics Personal Statement

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My clinical experience in performing root canal procedures and the challenges it offers makes me determined for pursuing a Master’s degree in Endodontics. I plan to implement the application of advanced technology into practice through didactic and practical learning in a residency program. A course work of Community Health Research in Public Health has taught me the fundamentals of a scientific research study, which will help me in conducting contemporary research. An MS degree would help me to fulfill my aspiration of a career in academics as well as prepare me for a specialized practice. Through these years, I have been able to cherish success in healing pain by serving the community as well as understand my limitations as a dentist. I believe it is imperative to be admitted into a residency program which is the next step towards achieving my goal in life. As an undergraduate in dental school, I was always keenly interested in Endodontics because of the complexity involved in performing a successful root canal treatment. Observing my curiosity and interest during the rotatory internship in the Department of Endodontics, Professor Dr. Vighnesh Dixit …show more content…

My personal experience of dental pain in high school, helped me develop empathy and interpersonal skills while treating patients as a dentist. By delivering treatment to a large number of patients, I developed manual dexterity and the art of self-critique which helped in improving my work. However in my office, variables such as accessory canals, ledge formation, and instrument breakage were of the major concern that needed to be addressed. To gain practical knowledge and learn more, I started assisting renowned endodontist Dr. Swapnil Kolhe in Nasik, India, once a

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