I am reassured by your comment that when you are being flogged properly, that you find yourself riding the endorphin wave by the fifth dozen. As long as I can get through to the start of the endorphin hit, I am confident that I can then take the entire dose like a man. Even with the aid of the endorphins, it is going to be really tough to get through it, but I'm determined to do so to prove that I'm a hard enough man to take it. Pride comes before a fall! LOL, that is the risk, Andy! Can my determination overpower the mounting agony as the flogging progresses? The high certainly sounds very alluring and yes, I would be the first to admit, that I really like an endorphin high, LOL. I think it's a bit more than 'really like' in …show more content…
This emphasises the fact that each man is doing his Duty and gives the context for each man to prove that he is resolute and hard. I think this is why I find that the "X Dozen Delivered Sir!" works for me, as it adds to the authenticity. I will certainly assume the Military context on Saturday, it seems right anyway and it will also help implant the thought that I have to do my Duty and, as you say, may well enhance my confidence in portraying a real hard man. Might as well start as you should intend to carry on Mark??? Getting into the right mindset is the key to both giving and taking the Cat properly. I couldn't agree more, Andy. It's much better if we move into the right context now, so that I can get properly into the right mindset when the time …show more content…
What are the scenarios for Saturday, Andy? See above for why Andy deserves a good, hard thrashing with a cane. Manning is going to be leathered for half an hour for not doing what he should have done chores wise (Where are the cane across the trousered seat videos?). Both scenarios are good, Andy. That gives me something to work on. You now have links to the videos of the 2 trousered seat thrashings in your inbox. Should we switch away from this email thread for now and go back to daily short emails focusing on this Saturday's punishments? As this is an 'extra' session we can keep this email thread going. If you like, you could send young Andrew a bollocking and threatening email, if this helps get into the right mindset. OK, no problem in keeping the main thread going. It will help me if I send out an additional email... I'll draft
In his book, “The Mission, The Men, and Me” (Blaber, 2008), LTC Blaber describes his arrival at his first duty station in Korea, where his first commander told him about the 3 M 's. The 3 M’s are “The Mission, The Men, and Me,” (Blaber, 2008) which is what every Soldier’s Priorities should be, and the order in which they should go. If you take care of the Men, you take care of the Mission, in taking care of the mission, you take care of yourself career wise. I have always firmly believed in taking care of Soldiers, and that taking care of them only improves my chances for mission success.
The President was elected to run the country and therefore, has the most power of any individual. However, he cannot make a majority of the decisions alone and must make sure he keeps the approval of others in order to keep his job. The Constitution struck a fairly proper balance between empowering and limiting power of the President of the United States, but limited the power more so than empowering. Although the Constitution claimed the President as the leader of the Unites States, he is not able to single-handedly make decisions that affect our country. He is a large influence in a majority of the decisions in the government of the United States. However, he does not have complete authority over others and many of the decisions are
He quickly dressed, grabbed his sword, and ran outside ready for action. Then he finally heard what people were shouting about. The British captured his family. He immediately rushed to the general’s tent, burst in it, hollering, “We must save them!” He saw with shock that the general’s pistol was on him. “Oh, it’s you,” said the general setting down his gun. “Now what’s all this about saving who and doing what?” he said. “My wife! And children!” Matthew gasped trying to catch his breath. “Why? What has happened?” the general inquired. “The redcoats have taken my family captive and I need permission to lead a rescue mission,” stated Major Matthew. “Granted!” barked the general, “Matthew! Get them home.” Matthew smiled and sprinted out of the tent calling to his men to prepare for battle and on the double. Five minutes later his men were in a diamond formation awaiting orders. “Innocent people’s lives are at stake,” roared Matthew, ”As a matter of fact my family’s lives are stake and they are being held hostage by the vile lobster-backs. I would ask you to follow me to save them and I would be forever in any man’s debt if he comes and fights for me. Who is with me!” he shouted. Matthew was surprised that not only all of his men cheered, but that 300 more voices around him also bellowed out. Recovering from his shock he said, “ We
Guys, work at the lowest level and solve things at the lowest level, don’t let problems fester and if you can’t get it solved, work it up your chain of command and we will take action. So, it’s really just, I’d like to see sailors that give the man a chance to solve their problem and we were working on those
Admiral Tarrant, the Commander of Task Force 77, in the novel, defines the voluntary man. He says “But some men don’t veer away. They hammer on in, even though the weight of the war has fallen unfairly on them. I always think of such men as the voluntary men” (57). These words describe men who step up to the plate to perform difficult tasks even
1. Neurons is a basic building block of the nervous system. The sensory nerves carry the message from body tissues to the brain and spinal chord to be processed. The motor neurons are then used to send instructions to the body tissue from the brain and spinal cord. Dendrites, which are connected to the body cell (soma) receive information and pass it through the axon. Myelin sheath covers the axon and helps speed the process. When triggered by a signals from our senses or other neurons, the neuron fires an impulse called the action potential. The resting potential is the neuron’s visual charge of positive
Responsibility- can be seen throughout the story, the men in this group have to carry out their mission and successfully complete it. Individually each of them have different set of skills and objectives, and simultaneously work together to reach a mutual goal; staying alive. The skills and responsibilities that five of the personnel had in the platoon were; Jimmy Cross-The Lieutenant also known as the leader of the platoon, his job was to give orders, he “carried a compass, maps, code books,
“In Toronto the volunteers met on parade in busbies great coats, and leggings not an available man was absent all met in the spirit of what Colonel Miller had said the night before: “I don’t care who a man is, or what he is doing but I want every man in the regiment to be under arms and ready!”.
Being in the right place, time, and uniform displays multiple things. It shows that the communication between the soldiers are clear and precise. It
Self-less Service leads to teamwork and encompasses discipline and is most effective when all soldiers can expect and give mutual
It’s been so long since I’ve written here and I’m truly sorry. I’ve decided to stay up late and write tonight while everyone else is asleep. There is no light, so I must use the moonlight from our only window. My hours have been so long at the factory and i just haven’t found spare time. I wake up at 4 six days a week to get to work by 5. Actually, let me rephrase that. I am abruptly woken at 4 by mother so I will make it the factory by 5. It is horrid to be woken at such hours, but I can’t be late. I sympathize for the kids who arrive late because they get the strap from Mrs. Richards. She is the supervisor for my area and is the most cruel, cold hearted woman in London. Whenever she hits kids, she looks as if she gets enjoyment from it and their crying is music to her ears.
In The Canterbury Tales, the characters are on a pilgrimage to Sir Thomas Beckett’s grave; although many of these pilgrims are seemingly pious members of the church, many of these men and women are creating a new religion which is corrupt from the beginning due to lying, cheating, and leaders who do not practice the religion which they teach. These corrupt religious leaders who are mentioned in The Canterbury Tales include; the Monk, the Friar, the Prioress, and the Pardoner. Although, there are many corrupt church members, Chaucer does include some good church members such as the Parson and his brother, the Plowman. Unlike the other church members, these pilgrims care for the sick and the poor, and they are not involved in the fake ornateness of the Catholic church. Many of the corrupt members of the church are only religious leaders due to the money, and the fact that members of the church are considered part of the upper class. Due to all of this corruption that Chaucer mentions, it is likely that he believed that corruption was the rule, rather than it being the exception to the rule.
My passion and determination to study Veterinary Medicine has only grown throughout my education in school and placements. A career which promotes the welfare of animals and involves continuous learning is the perfect choice for me and this fact has only been cemented as I've experienced the varied areas Veterinarians are involved in.
Therefore, a neat and wellgroomed appearance by all soldiers is fundamental to the Army and contributes to building the pride and esprit essential to an effective military force. A vital ingredient of the Army’s strength and military effectiveness is the pride and self discipline that American soldiers bring to their Service through a conservative military image. It is the responsibility of commanders to ensure that military personnel
He shoots up his first time, while most user progress from snorting to popping and then to using needles. Many heroin users report feeling a “rush” when shooting up heroin.While a scene of Jim running through a field plays, he describes, “It was like a long heat wave through my body, any ache and pain or feeling of sadness was completely flushed out.” This “rush” is causes by the rapid entry of heroin into the brain and the attachment of 6-acetyl-morphine and morphine to opioid receptors. It usually last one or two minutes right after administration. The euphoric effect is caused by the reduction of GABA neurons, which ultimately increases the amount of dopamine produced. Jimmy also compares it to one of the most intense orgasms he has ever had. Recent imaging studies have found that the areas the brain most active during ejaculation are also most active following heroin injection. After his first time using Jim describes,“I felt dazed, like I just came out of a four hour movie I did not understand.” Many people who take opiates experience a subjective sense of mental dullness and often report feeling dreamy or spacey The movie does a legitimate job describing and interpreting the “rush” phenomenon and the after effects of first time use.