I came into the school year knowing full well that in November, America would have a new president-elect into office in January. I admit I really didn’t know much about the entire American election process, and the amount of rigor, structure, and controversy that surrounds the entire procedure. Fortunately, I had a basic level of understanding and knowledge of issues, however, I didn’t know the vast amount of variation that is present from different issues, and how different issues come to formulate one’s “political identity.” Over the course of the last thirteen weeks, American Studies has taken my entry level background, and successfully transformed me into a conscious, informed, independent, and responsible participant in the American Political …show more content…
I was changed into a more informed participant of American politics simply due to the fact that I was presented facts upon the state of our beloved country, such as trade info, unemployment rates, terrorism, and immigration. Through this assignment, I also feel more responsible because I felt an obligation to effectively learn about Trump and Clinton, what morals they have, their credibility, their experience, and how they attempt to improve “our America” into something more prestigious. My belief in Trump has been strongly altered into a more hostile audience. Bloomberg questions Trump’s credibility as a businessman and as a potential Commander-In-Chief, when he states “Trump has left behind a well-documented record of bankruptcies, lawsuits, and angry shareholders and contractors who feel cheated, as well as disillusioned customers who feel ripped off. He says he wants to run the nation like he has run his business. God help us.” Here, I feel the responsibility to share and spread this quote to anyone with the ability and right to vote, because It is our responsibility to uphold our rights and make the right decisions for the good of the
As a barely twenty-year-old junior at a sheltered private college, I have to confess that it’s been very hard to conceptualize and realize the severity of the 2016 election. What started off as a race of what seemed like a million different candidates, the polls quickly zoned in on two candidates we could’ve never predicted to be the voting citizens’ final choice. It’s both overwhelming, and simple, deceitful, and truthful – this election seems to be full of contradictions and half truths, and the opaque nature of a once seemingly transparent media complicates matters further in an election that seems convoluted even on paper. Along with the legislative branch, the media itself has turned into a monster we never thought we’d have to wrangle. We are surrounded by propaganda, caricatures, and cartoons everywhere we turn, especially in print media like
In Bj Gallagher’s article “Donald Trump Is the Epitome of Everything the World Detests -- And Admires -- About America”(Sep.2, 2015), She Implies the positive and negative attributes in Donald Trump, and whether you should vote for him or not. Gallagher first demonstrates by showing the negatives of Donald Trump and his “arrogance” in an article written by Paul Thomas; Gallagher then argued the positive, admirable side of him by comparing his life to one we would all like to live, and to conclude she suggests that Trump is a “fresh breath of air” for millions of Americans by demonstrate that he is unique compared to past presidential leaders. Her purpose is to surpass his brash ego in order to to show he is worth putting your trust in.
When George Washington was elected President in 1789 by members of the fledgling United States of America, he was setting into motion a tradition that has stood the test of over 225 years - the presidential election. Even as the United States has seen dozens of wars, made hundreds of scientific advances, and selected thousands of politicians to seats everywhere from small town councils to Congress, the principles of the election have remained the same; the people band together to determine who will best protect their interests at home and assure that the US will always remain on top in foreign policy. Oftentimes, this is found to be a difficult decision, as public opinion is constantly wavering. One sees this in action particularly during the 1992 election - a battle of wills between Bill Clinton, George H.W. Bush, and Ross Perot; complete with lead changes, major vote swings, and Perot’s unprecedented initial success - ultimately a false alarm to the bipartisan establishment.
“Make America Great Again,” the overarching theme of Presidential Candidate Donald Trump’s campaign brings to light the blunt arrogance of our beloved Donald J. Trump. Trump: a billionaire businessman, entrepreneur, and part time reality TV monkey, started his presidential run as of June 2015. He has, since his declaration of his run, been the frontrunner for the GOP Poll breaking out above the other candidates of Jeb Bush, Ben Carson, Ted Cruz and many others by consistent double digits. His run so far has been filled with all things Americans lovingly refer to as in its entirety, Donald Trump: arrogance, controversial pursuits, and lack of explanation to anything he has planned. Though Trump himself has decades of experience with economics,
To the point where we take him at his word understanding that Trump is a negotiator whose positions are often purposefully deceptive, what he advocates is a rejection of our Madisonian inheritance and an embrace of Barack Obama’s authoritarianism. But conservatives have far more to learn from his campaign than many might like to admit. The Trump voter is moderate, disaffected, with patriotic instincts. He feels disconnected from the GOP and other broken public institutions, left behind by a national political elite that no longer believes he matters. Trump doesn’t go nearly as far as Nixon. Yet in an era
After research-filled, highly targeted, and negative campaigns, the results of the 2016 Presidential Election stunned the world. But were these results really all that surprising? America was prepared for a change in policy and election projections were incorrect due to the fact that there existed many “under cover Trumpers”, whom voted their conscience but were not willing to openly admit their political beliefs for fear of condemnation. The 2016 Presidential Election results open many areas for research into the legitimacy of the Electoral College, civic engagement, and campaign strategies as well as raises concerns over the fear American people possessed in defending their political values.
The 2016 United States presidential election will go down as one of the most memorable in history. Its first debate, which drew 84 million viewers, went down as the second most-watched television event of the year, behind only Super Bowl 50. Furthermore, the debate dwarfed its most popular counterpart from 2012, beating it out by over 15 million viewers. The primary reason for this cycle’s incredible popularity comes from its brash, abrasive, demagogic candidate, Donald Trump. While most polls currently give his opponent, Hillary Clinton, the edge in winning the presidency, Trump remains extremely close to her in support. The Trump campaign’s efficacy comes as a surprise, given his 60% unfavorability ratings, the highest of any presidential
Today’s media coverage does not truly report accurately on what has happened, but rather focus on their point of views and how they perceived the events. They mix in their flavor of the news and try to sway in their audience to switch or reaffirm their point of view. News reporting today has become “What I see is what you should see.” New sources today are filled with preconceived opinions relying on the theoretical what-ifs. Some, however, force their point of views on the readers, but there are the ones that reveal both sides forcing the reader to formulate their own take on President Trump and his claim on the booming market.
Trump's Personality Factors became a massive apeal to the racial, nostalgic and conservative princples of the major constintuents of the U.S voting demogrpahic. AfWith the lack of plans and listening as well as reading his responses during the debates it was clear to me that I had become completely dishearted in listening to a Politcal Candidate who stated that African Americans and Hispanics are " living in hell"..." because the cities are so violent." ..." the arugument is that we have to take the guns away from these people... These are people that are bad people." (The Washington Post)
Election night was a night of uncertainty. On November 8, 2016, half of America was left in complete shock when several mainstream media outlets reported Donald Trump as the new president-elect. Everyone wanted to know what the future of America would be. Numerous celebrities took to social media to encourage individuals to protest for what is right. Not only did African-Americans protest but so did whites and many other minorities. We fear that he will be very reckless with foreign leaders, enslave black people again, and also continue his rash comments via Twitter. Like many others in my community, I believe that anyone who thinks he is unfit to be president should continue to
What’s the most common reason people voice for supporting Donald Trump? Most would respond with, “He tells it like it is.” But does he? What I would like to do in this chapter is unpack the meaning of that statement. It is true, no doubt, that Donald’s mouth filter is broken. Fact is, it was either never installed or, it was removed a long time ago. The political Left has been pushing more and more stringent mouth filters on the American public for some time now. Many in America are getting sick and tired of it. The whole society has come to the place where we are all just walking (talking) on eggshells. “Careful, you might offend someone. That’s not P.C.”, the world says. The result of all this nonsense has not served to produce more respectful
It is easy to glance at the 2016 Presidential Election and paint it as a looney bin with unpredictable results, wacky campaigns, and erratic candidates. However, after studying the election closely, I have discovered quite the contrary. In fact, I would even go as far to suggest that each candidate was a master of their craft—rhetoric. Looking back, it is entertaining to see how each candidate enhances their credibility, evokes a fusillade of emotions, and presents certain calculated policies. If asked several months ago, I would have provided an entirely different answer which would have compared the election and its candidates to a circus and its intricate members. My enlightened grasp on the election was elucidated through various readings, weekly blog posts, and three term projects which allowed me to thoroughly analyze the campaigns. Although learning about the strategic ways to employ presidential rhetoric was the focal point of my class, I finished with new skills and experiences that will benefit my writing abilities. The adversity I faced because of late nights and unsatisfying grades has provided me with a sense of clarity and humility that has made me a more attentive and refined writer.
Donald Trump recently gave a speech discussing rising Radical Islamic Terrorism, immigration from the Middle East, and a need for a rise in national security while Manchester, New Hampshire on June 13th 2016. He centers his whole speech around discussing how bad a President his opponent, Hillary Clinton, would be in difficult times. Trump graduated from the Wharton School of Finance in 1968 with a bachelor 's degree in economics, and has become a very successful businessman. He’s the Republican nominee for this upcoming presidential election, and is a very controversial candidate and person. He has come under fire for many of his views that he discusses in his June 13th speech. While Trump does make some agreeably points, he renders his speech ineffective because of his heavy reliance on Clinton’s opinion to form his own. If Trump were to become President, his stance on important issues would need to be reached with careful consideration, and not just based on doing the opposite of his opponents.
Donald Trump was elected president of the United States of America on November 8th, 2016, and now has been running our country for over a year. As Trump’s first year in office slowly began, his reputation seems to be creating different outside views of our nation and arguments started producing everywhere. After competing with Hillary Clinton for the presidential term in office, Trump defeated her along with her democratic supporters causing one of the most shocking elections in U.S. history. Using public media web pages, we are reviewing both sides of the argument regarding Trump’s election and we are going to decipher why each arguer supports their side, and why each side is reasonable for the benefit of our country.
Confessing one 's political identity in 2016 truly embodies the phrase “walking on eggshells”. Whether you’re a liberal or conservative, owning up to your political resolutions sometimes comes with some intense backlash. In this years’ presidential election we have an intense candidate with very radical views, and if you don 't know who I’m talking about you should probably move from the rock you are living under. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has gained a immense popularity amongst not only the American public but Internationally as well. His chauvinist rhetoric, egotistical outlook, and how he continuously fabricates lies upon lies has truly brought him into the public eye. Hearing Trumps incredibly horrifying agenda makes me proud to admit that I am a Democrat, a solid liberal to be exact. As a solid liberal I believe in the power of the people and that means all people.Whether you are rich, poor, black, white, gay, or straight building and creating a nation that caters to people inherently means doing right by the economy and when we do well for the economy we do well for everyone.