
Endoscopy Essay

Satisfactory Essays

ENDOSCOPY EGD stands for an esophagogastroduodenoscopy. This procedure is used to visualize the esophagus, stomach, and the duodenum. This is done via a lighted tube or endoscope to detect abnormalities. Possible abnormalities are tumors, ulcerations, or an obstruction. The patient should be NPO for 8 hours before the test. When the patient arrives medical history, consent forms, explanation of test, and insertion of an IV are all completed. The patient is given preoperative sedation and an IV sedation may also be given for the test. The throat is anesthetize with a local spray or gargle. Each facility has different ways the patient is positioned for the test. The book states that the patient lies on a table with head extended. GVMH has the patient sit and the endoscope is introduced …show more content…

Polyps can be removed or biopsies taken during the procedure. Clear liquid diet should be 1-3 days before the test. The patient should be NPO for 8 hours before the test. Laxatives are given for 1-3 days before the test and enemas the night before. GVMH has a different prep than the book. Their prep consists of clear liquid diet, five Dulcolax in the am, and then at 3pm a 64oz of Gatorade with Miralax the day before the test. When the patient arrives medical history, consent forms, explanation of test, and insertion of an IV are all completed. The patient is given preoperative sedation and is moderately sedated via IV for the test. The patient is positioned on their left side in bed. The length of the procedure depends on the reason for the test. Most colonoscopies take 30 minutes to an hour but some can take 1.5-2 hours if abnormalities are found. After the procedure is complete vital signs should be monitored every 15-30 minutes or as ordered. Watch for increased temperature, abdominal distention, or pain. This could be a possible complication known as perforation or rectal bleeding

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