
Energy Consumption in Spain

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Introduction The energy consumed in Spain every day, both for the industrial sector, as for domestic consumers comes from multiple forms of primary energy sources, from which we get electricity. It is important to consider where these primary energy sources come from, and the value year after year the degree of self-sufficiency that primary energy resources have in Spain. The energy sector accounts for about 2.5% of the country’s Gross Domestic Product. However, this sector has a greater importance than that because it affects all types of economic activities in the country. Historically, this sector has always had a deficit because the shortage of resources in the country. The Industrial Revolution came late to Spain in comparison …show more content…

In the graphic bellow we can see the production of these sites in the years 2002 and 2003 (in millions of tons). The last column shows the variation observed from one year to the next one. We can see it is a negative figure because the internal fuel production in decrasing rapidly. Fuel production 2002 2003 Variation (%) Ayoluengo 7 8 -12,0 Boquerón 20 33 -37,9 Casablanca 230 108 -111,9 Rodaballo 63 167 -62,1 Total Fuel 321 316 1,4 In the Natural gas industry, most of it is imported as well. There are five sites that produce it in Spain: El Ruedo, Las Barreras, Marismas, Poseidón and El Romeral. Likewise in the fuel industry, their production is also decreasing. Natural Gas Production 2003 Gwh 2002 Gwh Change (%) El Ruedo 57 66 -13,6 Las Barreras 137 119 -15,1 Marismas 564 267 111,2 Poseidón 1966 5565 -64,7 El Romeral 168 128 31,3 Total Natural Gas 2892 6145 -52,9 Spain imports oil from many countries, here they are sorted by geographical area , with data from 2009, measured in thousands of tons of crude oil: Middle East Saudi Arabia 5807 Iran 6570 Iraq 2250 Others 731 Africa Argelia 1081 Libia 5041 Nigeria 5398 Others 5667 Europe United Kingdom 1193 Russia 8201 Others 987 America

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