Through this course, I have acquired the knowledge of various traits and characteristics that when properly utilized will advance me greatly in all aspects of my life. The one subject that has been discussed that really struck home with me was the difference between involvement and engagement. I always assumed that these particular words were synonyms of one and another. However, that is simply not the case. Engagement leads to the most satisfaction of an individual, whereas involvement leads to the most retention for the individual. Looking back, the activities I enjoyed the most as a youth all had these traits apart of them. The more I was engaged the more happiness and excitement I got as myself and the team progressed towards our
Engaged learning, within a highly supportive environment, enables our students to develop strong communication skills, excel within collaborative settings, effectively address complex problems with innovative solutions, and lead with integrity and compassion throughout their lives and careers in a diverse and rapidly changing world.
In the aspect of active engagement, she said; a person is actively engaged by something if she is gripped, excited, and involved by it. Susan, said we are actively engaged by things and people about which we are passionate, such as in her own case she’s love eating chocolate, playing video games and going for aerobics class.Therefore, the opposites of active engagement are boredom and alienation. She also said to her readers, that to be actively engaged in something is not always pleasant in ordinary sense of the word.
The principle of meaningful involvement ensures that every person is given an opportunity to contribute to the success of his or her life through their unique skills and qualities. This means that every person plays a valued role that emphasizes his or her personal talents.
In the aspect of active engagement, she said; a person is actively engaged by something if she is gripped, excited, and involved by it. Susan, said we are actively engaged by things and people about which we are passionate, such as in her own case she’s love eating chocolate, playing video games and going for aerobics class.Therefore, the opposites of active engagement are boredom and alienation. She also said to her readers, that to be actively engaged in something is not always pleasant in ordinary sense of the word.
Intervention: MHP educated Timothy on the importance of exhibiting appropriate behavior. MHP provided skills training to teach Timothy ways to manage his behavior. MHP utilized a behavioral personal contract to give Timothy ownership of his behavior. MHP aided Timothy in identifying negative consequences that can occur as a result of inappropriate behavior. MHP guided Timothy in exploring factors that contribute to his unacceptable behavior. MHP provided Timothy an educational worksheet on setting behavioral goals. MHP used the thought-stopping technique for anger control. MHP asserted positive reinforcements for positive behavior.
Joseph is a 70 year old Jewish-American gay male who wants to meet with me to discuss low income housing options for him and possibly his partner. My supervisor tells me that she is concerned that Joseph is in a violent relationship with his partner, Marcus, and wants me to assess how safe he feels living with Marcus at this time. Joseph appears very thin and has visible bruising on his forearms.
What do the words ‘meaningful involvement’ signify to you? Include your description of the term.
Astin describes involvement as, “a construct that should be not either mysterious or esoteric,” and quite simply, “student involvement refers to the amount of physical and psychological energy that the student devotes to the academic experience,” (Astin, 1999). Students can be involved on a college campus in many ways. According to Astin (1999), a student who is considered to be highly involved is one who spends time on campus and is not just considered a “visitor,” devotes a considerable amount of energy to studying, and one who interacts with organizations, students, and faculty. Being highly involved can be very beneficial for students. What does Astin mean by involved? Astin spent a lot of time trying to define the term involvement to give his readers a better understanding of what he meant. Some of the terms Astin chose (attach oneself to, engage in, participate in, join in, ect.) are terms that have a behavioral meaning because be believes involvement is a behavioral component, in other words its not what the student thinks or feels but what the student does or how he or she behaves (Astin, 1984). A student who is a member of an organization and frequently interactions with their professor is more likely to be successful than a student who is not
The Daily Performance Kit drew relatively more attention and intrigue than the other engagement concepts just within the context of the ad.
Throughout the lesson, I noticed that engagement increased over time. During the initial lesson, students were uninterested in the reading. It was an article, something that students dreaded reading. Jay McTighe (2010) believes, “learners of all ages are more likely to focus when they can see a clear and worthwhile learning goal” (p.283). With this in mind, I made students aware of the learning goal and how it would benefit them. I had to constantly remind students that the strategy would help them score higher on the reading portion of their STAAR assessment. Even after hearing the rationale behind learning the strategy and being promised that they would be allowed to apply the strategy to their own reading, all students were not on board. I only have one special needs student in my summer school class. That student was the most vocal about not wanting to read or apply the strategy. I constantly explained to that student and others who did not want to learn the POSSE strategy that it would help them on future reading and comprehension. As the days passed and students realized we would be practicing the strategy daily, they eventually began to work harder at learning and applying the strategy to their reading.
Active engagement occurs in the classroom when a teacher makes the connection between teaching and learning through pedagogy. The choice of pedagogy must see fit with the content of the lesson which in return will assist the teacher in constructing a more meaningful and supportive learning environment where students’ are more willing to participate and be actively engaged. The most important skill in pedagogies is relating the learning experience to real world situations in which students’ can relate too (Churchill et al., 2011).
According to Coplan (2009) there are three levels of engagement present during the cognitive process of viewer engagement, of which recognition is the first. Recognition builds the characters as individual, constant human agents in the viewers’ minds (Coplan 2009:102), and in Invasion of the Body Snatchers (Kaufman 1978) this is prevalent from the beginning.
The life of engagement may not have visible happiest. It is mainly about expressing your highest strengths in your life. A life of leisure. This leisure may not come if rest and relaxation but in work and dedication. The life of engagement requires for an individual to have the dedication to a job, hobby, or person. Life of engagement is not completely pleasurable like the pleasant, but the pleasure is achieved through the feeling of accomplishing a job or task.
Reeve and Tseng (2011 cited in Reeve, 2013) proposed a definition of agentic engagement as “students’ constructive contribution into the flow of the instruction they receive”. It's a dialogue between teachers and students about effective instructional practice for successful engagement of students. It consist of the students' thoughts of the instructional practice and teachers can make changes to improve the learning. The aim for this is greater achievement and greater motivational support (Reeve, 2013). Lawson and Lawson (2013) state the goal of this practice is to prevent early-school leavers and to improve engagement for effective performance of students. In Ireland, schools are required to carry out a School Self-Evaluation
My observations has taught me the importance of engaging students. I am now able to recognize when a student is not engaged. They seem distracted and are not paying attention to what the teacher is saying. Whereas an engaged student is alert, discussing the material, and asking questions