
Engelsk Grammatik Essay

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1A: Beskriv for hvert af de understregede ord (1-10), hvilket andet ord eller led ordet beskriver, og afgør, hvilken ordklasse det understregede ord tilhører. Brug relevant grammatisk terminologi. Skriv dit svar på dansk. They both found the boy from the Union’s story credible (1), and he had held a Proclamation that appeared official (2) enough. He read it to the three of them in Tommy’s shack, swiping the mucus from his upper lip with his sleeve in an authoritative (3) flourish before he began. They had listened attentively (4) to all the big words from this small boy. Tommy started to cry with euphoria, rocking in his chair like a child. […] She stared at him incredulously (5) and covered her lips with her fingers, nodding …show more content…

Uddragene virker meget bestemte, eller generalt set på det er det formelt det man læser. Det er ikke slang, de sammenligner de ting for at man forstår hvad de mener. F.eks: ” She says Adderall didn’t make her feel jittery either or anxious, not at all like a double shot of espresso” Den øverste del af teksten er emget beskrivende, hvor der er svære ord som “felony punishable by prison”, det er ikke hverdags sprog. Den anden del af teksten er der mere hverdags sprog I functioned very, very well under it. Anything I did was productive, and it was good. And it was just like a perfect kind of transition in just a study mentality, and I could keep that up for hours” som det virker direkte oversat fra dansk til engelsk. The Whipping Boy In this story, we hear a lot about how it could have sheep gone then it's back in time when there were still slaves, and one had his rights as they have today. The story revolves around who are slaves out on a farm Martha, Mikey and Tommy. Then there is Gage family with a mother, named Mrs. Gage and his son, Sterling. The slaves grew up in the garden, and used to do work for the farmers. Martha is the female slave star for cooking when old Mrs. Gage cannot make it big because she is so old. Martha and the old lady seem to have a good relationship in a way that when Martha takes care of

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