Table of Contents
Engineering Principles and Processes 2
i. Briefly describe the difference between a “Hybrid Electric Vehicle” and an Electric Vehicle. 2 ii. With the aid of diagrams explain the difference between a Series and Parallel Hybrid Electric Vehicles. 2 iii. Research and outline the function, engineering principles and operation of the following parts of a Hybrid Electric Vehicle. Include suitable diagrams to aid your explanations. 3
• Regenerative braking 3
• Battery types used 3
• Electric motors 4 5
• Internal combustion engine (Relate the information to HEVs) 5
Case Study – Toyota Camry Hybrid 6
i. Location and size of the manufacturing facility. 6 ii. Picture of your vehicle. 6 iii. List the technical specifications of
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ii. With the aid of diagrams explain the difference between a Series and Parallel Hybrid Electric Vehicles.
Both series and parallel hybrid electric vehicles primarily contain the same parts, however, they are configured differently. Both types of hybrid electric vehicle contain a gasoline-based engine, a battery which is rechargeable, an inverter, transmission and an electric motor. The main difference between the two, disregarding the difference in sizes of the separate parts, is that series hybrid electric vehicles have a generator whereas in a parallel hybrid electric vehicle the motor acts as a generator. Moreover, in a parallel HEV, the engine is directly connected to the wheels, however this is not the case in a series HEV.
In a parallel HEV, the motor and the combustion engine work in accordance to power the vehicle. The gasoline-based engine and motor are both connected to the transmission. As fuel travels to the engine or the battery is turned on, it propels the car.
In a series HEV, the motor is charged by the battery or generator (powered by gasoline-based engine). Thus, the gasoline engine does not directly propel the car, unlike in the parallel HEV. The transmission is responsible for determining how much energy is required and whether to retrieve it from the battery or the generator. Pictured above, is a parallel HEV system, as made obvious by the position of the electric motor and
The author first explains what a hybrid is, stating “A hybrid is a cross between two established varieties of plant, animal… or technology.” She introduces the hybrid vehicle, a new form of technology that stands as a possible answer for a vehicle that is both energy preserving and safer for the environment. Before she dives into details of how the vehicle works, she enlightens the reader on what the article is about and the objective of the hybrid vehicle. Students enrolling in an engineering course in a post-secondary institution will be more
A hybrid electric vehicle (HEV) is a type of hybrid vehicle and electric vehicle which combines a conventional internal combustion engine(ICE) propulsion system with an electric propulsion system (hybrid vehicle drivetrain). The presence
The United States of America is one of the biggest automobile markets in the world. This trend has also created awareness for environmentalist to bring attention to rising level of pollution and emission within the cities and metropolis. As response, the U.S. Government is encouraging the automobile manufacturers to produce clean and renewable alternative vehicles that will drastically reduce pollution and emission. Subsequently, the automobile industry has witnessed a gradual introduction of environmental friendly vehicles that use clean and renewable energy to encourage less pollution and safer environment. The manufactures of these vehicles have introduced into the market three categories of electric passenger car
The Series Hybrid Car: The gasoline engine in this car turns a generator and the generator can either charge the batteries or power an electric motor that drives the transmission. Thus the gasoline engine never directly powers the vehicle.
So electric machines should have more output torques and power-split hybrid architectures are not useful for micro and mild hybrid electric vehicle, unlike parallel architectures. Since engine can always perform efficiently, power-split electric vehicles can reach remarkable fuel efficiency improvement and currently are the most dominant in hybrid vehicle sector .However, this architecture has its own drawbacks. This type of powertrain also suffers from limitations because of the PSG. For instance, the ratio of power via the two different paths relies mostly upon the speed of vehicle. So these power-split hybrid vehicles are mostly efficient only within a particular speed range, or else, the overall efficiency will
I. A hybrid car is a vehicle with more than one power source such as a small internal combustion engine and an electric motor.
The purpose for this research report is so that students can familiarize themselves with hybrid electric vehicles and their features that make them unique in contrast to other vehicles. This report will educate the reader on the “BMW i8’s” vital components such as the engine, battery, and other elements related to electric vehicles. To put into perspective the significant advantage hybrid electric vehicles have over vehicles
In the recent years there has been an increase of plug-in electric, hybrid type vehicles on the road. Many people would argue that hybrid vehicles are not a big thing and that they are insubordinate to the piston engine type vehicles. The matter of the fact is that electric vehicles are the way to go for many reasons from saving money to saving the environment and planet.
Transportation is a large concern in today’s modern world. Most individuals have opted to buy vehicles for their personal use. Most of these vehicles consume gasoline and a smaller proportion is hybrid based. These two types of vehicles have many similarities. The two such vehicles require an energy source and both types of vehicles provide an important function to society. That function is to provide people with a reliable form of transportation. Although these two types of vehicles have many similarities, their differences are what distinguish them. Hybrid vehicles are more cost effective, environmentally sound, and safe than the standard gasoline vehicles in the long run.
With the quick advancements in technology during the past decades, electrical cars are now more efficient than ever. As of today, there are 3 types of vehicles – electric, combustion, and hybrid; I will be focusing mainly on full electric engines vs full combustion engines. While new combustion car technologies have already already been halted for many years, electrical cars in the other hand, is rapidly improving. To start off, lets compare the differences between these two, lists the pros and cons of an electric engine, and discuss the future of electric cars.
Abstract- This paper deals with the different motors used in the hybrid electric vehicles. The performance like the efficiency of induction motor, internal permanent magnet motor and switched reluctance motor is studied. In recent years permanent motors are often used for driving HEV. This paper compares the characteristics of Permanent Magnet (PM) motor with Switched Reluctance Motor (SRM) and Induction Motor (IM) and gives us prospects for future development of HEV using these motors.
The purpose of this journal article is to inform the outcomes and results of an experiment done at the National Taipei University of Technology. The experiment compared seven different types of hybrid vehicles in a combination of electric, hydraulic, and internal combustion engine or no combination at all. The main question being addressed is which combination is more energy efficient. The journal article was not focused to a main group, but can appeal to engineers, investors, vehicle companies, and consumers. The journal article was written at an engineering level which included many equations, graphs and tables which may confuse the average consumer and investor.
Figures of different hybrid models will also be included as well as a table comparing the costs of various hybrids to traditionally fuelled cars. This will help the audience get a sense of the price ranges for hybrid vehicles before they go out and decide to buy one. Finally, a table dealing with the performance specs of hybrids will be added to emphasize certain limitations with these models.
The main component of a car would be the power that actually puts the car in motion. To be solely dependent on one power source is not a very good idea as it is not eco-friendly and at the same time not suitable. By 2040, half of all the new cars being sold will be hybrids, according to Exxon Mobile. Hybrid Cars are the cars that uses more than one power sources to run the car. It is usually referred to the Hybrid Electric Vehicles (HEVs) which has both the internal combustion engine and electric motors that generates power. One of the main problem with these hybrid cars is that their batteries are extremely heavy and takes up a large amount of space in the car. The concept of Hybrid cars can be a good thing to the environment, but definitely not for the car manufacturer or the customer. Hybrid cars have a convincing amount of weight due to their batteries, even with the existence of lithium-ion batteries. As a solution, Energy Storing Body Panels are used.
Figure 2.1 shows a block diagram of an electric vehicle. It contains a battery that supplies energy, an electric motor that drives the wheels, and a controller that regulates the energy flow to the motor.