
English 1102 Reflection

Decent Essays

Throughout this past semester, I came to enjoy visualizing my ideas and transferring them into writing through finding the meaning behind images. In English 1102, I was able to create topics and techniques that I had interest in. I discovered that I like to use visual details and imagery as evidence to make my arguments. If I consider the time frame along with visual details, I can push my arguments further to make predictions and deeper analyses of the character’s life. Combining visual art and time has been an inspiration for my work this year, not only in English 1102, but in my personal projects as well. Creating a detailed image with my writing is something I never felt confident in, but it is I have wanted to improve for a long time. …show more content…

Multiple times, I connected visual arts with time in my creative work. In class one day, we did an exercise writing poems about a time-lapse video of flowers blooming. In my poem, I wrote about the way the flower moved and how time moves differently for a flower than it does for humans. I was subconsciously drawn to the same themes of beauty and time that I have been for the whole year. These themes also pervaded into my personal work when I decided to make calendars every month, which I decided to use as my wild card. Possibly, making these calendars influenced my writing, or maybe my general mood over the semester influenced me to follow these themes. Realizing these repeated themes and using them has improved the quality and depth of my writing. In my biography, I put my new knowledge of imagery and my interest with time into practice by describing my life in snapshots. I wanted to create a movie of my life through isolated snapshots while giving the reader an idea of who I am. I showed the passage of time through using dates and introducing new images, while showing consistency through the repetition of “2:11 AM” and using familiar images. Along with this, I reinforced the themes of visual art and time by making a background for my biography and wild card, the beginning and end pieces to my portfolio. The background represents a change from day to night, the

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