
English 111 Reflection

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English 111 was an educational journey for me. Throughout the course, I was able to develop my own writing style as well as learn how to perfect my writing skills. At the start, I was not fully prepared to be a good writer. I did not know who the writer was inside of me. I could not find her and did not even know where to look. I realized that my goal was not just to get good grades, but be able to understand and absorb the material. The lessons I would learn in English 111 would be of great importance. Being a good writer is necessary in order for me to succeed in any of the adventures that tomorrow might hold. For this reason, my expedition through English 111 made me the writer I am today and there are several reasons how. The …show more content…

I knew that, without constant practice, the lessons would be hard to fully understand. Thankfully, each class, a new “mission” was assigned. By completing these missions, I was able to put to use the material I had obtained. It was a way for me, as a writer-in-training, to see my own progress. I did not favor any mission in specific because each one of them was unique; some of them were tougher than others. At the end of the day, all of them allowed me to think miles outside of the box and leagues away from my comfort zone. Without these “missions”, I don’t think I would have been able to become the writer I am …show more content…

These “maps” and “manuscripts” acted as examples and guidance for me as I journeyed on. It fed me a variety of perspectives and styles that a writer is capable of achieving. I was captivated by each of the texts and never allowed them bore me. The readings in Back to the Lake played a massive role in my writing. It allowed me to see different ideas on paper. Different opinions from a variety of writers helped me to form my own opinions on topics that I was assigned to write about. The Mystery Box embraced me with imaginative short stories that I greatly enjoyed. Each story I was assigned to read demonstrated how creativity makes a story much more appealing to the reader. Both textbooks kept me rereading in bed each night before class. They kept my mind’s gears turning as I attempted to discover all of the secrets that the writers hid beneath printer

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