English 206
Omar Abu Soufeh
During this English course, I have not only grown as a writer, but as a person as well. The knowledge and skills I grasped will help me step out into the real world with less difficulties.
What I most enjoyed about this course is being in a state of continuous learning, whether it’s about learning writing skills, presentation skills, or necessary information for my future career, such as writing a resume or a cover letter.
This was the first blended course I take and I found it to be very useful. It gave me a chance to meet with my group members or to finish the required task.
Moreover, finding a recent topic and investigating about it was a very interesting experience, especially the part where we had
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It wasn’t just about learning different contents of letters that are written for different purposes, but also about understanding that the way you write a letter can affect to a big extent the result of your letter, and can change the impression that the person you’re writing for will have.
On the other hand, writing instructions was not my favorite part, but at the end it’s never bad to learn new information.
As for the research process, it included a lot of reading, which was necessary in order to get more familiar with the program we’re investigating. The topic was also very broad, so we decided to focus on the part that we thought was most interesting and relevant to the audience. The writing process was less difficult; each person was responsible for revising his part and then preparing for it for the presentation. But we always had meetings in order to connect all the parts together and remove redundancies or inconsistencies.
Moodle was very helpful in facilitating this process, especially when we didn’t have time to meet. It allowed our group members, and the teacher, to watch the writing process, and not just see the work when it’s completed. It also allowed us to interact with the rest of our classmates in some cases such as when writing peer
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We thought it was important to know a doctor’s opinion about implementing the program at AUBMC. The doctors were all very busy, but we managed at last to get an interview and added it to our second draft.
The weakness of the project is obviously that it is still under development. This didn’t allow us to know its exact cost, as well as testing it, which should be done in a feasibility report. However, our topic was really interesting and the project was well organized and researched, as we spent a lot of time in gathering information, whether from the interviews, or the survey, or the library and website sources.
One of the many sources we used was the one about the prevalence of abused drugs in a sample of university students in Lebanon. It helped us in relating the topic to Lebanon, and in emphasizing the idea of the increased use of unprescribed drugs.
Also, the library source about President Obama highlighting the new technology had the most useful and detailed information about our project.
Finally, I would like to thank Mrs Mikati for making the experience more enjoyable and pleasant. I hope to carry all of the acquired skills from this course in my future. I think that they will be very helpful to me, regardless of what my future plans will
What made English 099 easy for me? English 099 was the most stressful class that I took this semester. Being able to write a good essay, to have a good grammar on the essay was very difficult for me. Although English 099 was difficult and stressful, I learned so many new things in class that it became my favorite class. Every day we were learning something new that .There are three papers that professor Hogan gave us that helped me understand English 099, and they are the pink folder, the reading portfolio, and most important the conjunction paper.
What I found to be interesting is, I am glad we had to do this assignment so I could introduce you to someone I called a friend. I learned that it is not easy to write in the third person for me.
Basic literacy is the ability to read and write, my literacy skills began to develop while I was a small child. It all started with the bedtime stories my mother would read to be. It wasn’t until I got to school that it developed even more as teachers began to teach me how to read and write. I feel that in order to be successful you need to learn how to read and right, that’s why I took pride in learning it. I’m glad that I learned that at a very early age. I notice that to get a good grade on my writings I had to write how my teachers wanted me to write things. In the long run it did pay off because I got good grades on my papers. Obviously you can see that I had to
Throughout this course, I was able to assess and evaluate my weaknesses and strengths in writing. This class has truly brought out my ability to write, a skill I did not believe I had. I now know what it takes to become a college-level writer. Also, at the beginning of the course I did not particularly enjoy writing. Now, however, I have a greater respect for
Upon entering English 111 on-line class, I had not taken an English class on-line before. In the past I have taken several other basic classes. English has always been a struggle for me, mainly writing and grammar. Neither, writing or grammar has come natural to me. The biggest challenge for me is putting my thoughts into words.
Attitude: Writing has never been my thing, at least when it comes to essays and research papers. It can take me awhile to get my ideas flowing. I’m very excited to complete this course so I can become a better writer. Although I often don’t like writing research papers or essays, I don’t feel that any personal feelings towards writing will have any negative effects on my quality of work. I’m looking forward to what this course has to teach me.
have yet another chance to do more research and now I choose to dig deeper into those issues I
As students we all have one goal, which is to graduate and obtain a degree from our university. Although we all may have different degrees, every student is required to take two English classes. The professors should use these English classes to the students best advantage which is to better them as writers for their career following graduation. English 2000 should directly correlate to our major. When scheduling English 2000, the sections should be based off of your major. This gives the professor a chance to teach writing skills that can directly benefit one in their career following graduation. With having specific sections this allows each class to have students with similar majors, therefore everyone is benefitting.
Honestly, I wasn’t looking forward to this session. Partly due to the fact that it was 09:00 in the morning! However, this session exceeded my expectations by far! There were only a couple words that I couldn’t remember, and I’m pretty sure we didn’t learn in the course. First of all the word “Freizeitkleidung” came up, apparently it means casual clothing or free time clothing. Another word that I learnt about is the word “Krankenschwester” or nurse in English. For the first time, we didn’t need to go over the German sentence structure! I was quite happy for myself because it means that I’m one step closer to being fluent in German. We went through the different hobbies like “Fußball” and “Wandert” which is quite easy to do. The other subject
Should People Who Have Been Convicted of Selling Drugs Be Requires to be listed in a Drug Offender Database
This course has shown me that I am capable of writing in a variety of
From this course, I hope to learn about myself such as my strengths and weaknesses. Furthermore, I hope to understand all the course material and earn a good final mark. I hope to take enough knowledge with me from this course, for my future English courses. By the end of this course, I want to make sure it was worth it.
When I first started this course I didn’t know what to expect. I really enjoyed writing but there was a lot of areas that I needed to work on. When I first started to review the modules I was blown away by all the helpful sites that were at my disposition. The Power points and different sites completely changed my whole perspective of writing to a whole new dimension. Thanks to the modules I am more confident right now before I even begin an essay. I remember in the past how beginning an essay was so difficult for me because I didn’t know how to even start. In this course I have learned how to begin an essay, how to manipulate information, and how to use in-text documentation properly. These are just some of the few things that I will definitely be taking with me in the future for my courses and personal growth.
This course has helped me show more instead of just telling more, and has helped me think of more concrete images instead of abstract images. I feel like I have accomplished making poetry that is expressively describes me and my life which makes me super
2. To what extent (if any) did this project change, affect, strengthen, or weaken your existing views