
English 206 Research Paper

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English 206
Omar Abu Soufeh
During this English course, I have not only grown as a writer, but as a person as well. The knowledge and skills I grasped will help me step out into the real world with less difficulties.
What I most enjoyed about this course is being in a state of continuous learning, whether it’s about learning writing skills, presentation skills, or necessary information for my future career, such as writing a resume or a cover letter.
This was the first blended course I take and I found it to be very useful. It gave me a chance to meet with my group members or to finish the required task.
Moreover, finding a recent topic and investigating about it was a very interesting experience, especially the part where we had …show more content…

It wasn’t just about learning different contents of letters that are written for different purposes, but also about understanding that the way you write a letter can affect to a big extent the result of your letter, and can change the impression that the person you’re writing for will have.
On the other hand, writing instructions was not my favorite part, but at the end it’s never bad to learn new information.
As for the research process, it included a lot of reading, which was necessary in order to get more familiar with the program we’re investigating. The topic was also very broad, so we decided to focus on the part that we thought was most interesting and relevant to the audience. The writing process was less difficult; each person was responsible for revising his part and then preparing for it for the presentation. But we always had meetings in order to connect all the parts together and remove redundancies or inconsistencies.
Moodle was very helpful in facilitating this process, especially when we didn’t have time to meet. It allowed our group members, and the teacher, to watch the writing process, and not just see the work when it’s completed. It also allowed us to interact with the rest of our classmates in some cases such as when writing peer …show more content…

We thought it was important to know a doctor’s opinion about implementing the program at AUBMC. The doctors were all very busy, but we managed at last to get an interview and added it to our second draft.
The weakness of the project is obviously that it is still under development. This didn’t allow us to know its exact cost, as well as testing it, which should be done in a feasibility report. However, our topic was really interesting and the project was well organized and researched, as we spent a lot of time in gathering information, whether from the interviews, or the survey, or the library and website sources.
One of the many sources we used was the one about the prevalence of abused drugs in a sample of university students in Lebanon. It helped us in relating the topic to Lebanon, and in emphasizing the idea of the increased use of unprescribed drugs.
Also, the library source about President Obama highlighting the new technology had the most useful and detailed information about our project.
Finally, I would like to thank Mrs Mikati for making the experience more enjoyable and pleasant. I hope to carry all of the acquired skills from this course in my future. I think that they will be very helpful to me, regardless of what my future plans will

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